{Day Eightynine: "You were the chosen one!!!" (+announcement please read)}

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I just realized we're on the 100th part of my artbook holy shit! Not the 100th day but 100th part! I'm so happy! It's been that long I didn't even realize how fast time was passing by. I guess now would be the best time to make an announcement. Recently, I've been having trouble with my grades and I may lose my things if I don't get my grades up soon. My artbook may have a staggering drop in new parts. That's why I thought I should mention this here so that youd all know. It's important and I'm kinda stressed but I'm gonna work as hard as I can to get the grades up and try to keep uploading as much as possible. I want to make the time I have left really good and fun for not only me but for all of you, even if I have lost some followers, I want you to know that I care a whole lot about all of you and that I can't believe you have stayed with me the whole way. It means so much to me that people care enough about me, my art, and my wattpad to keep up with everything I put out, even when I forget to upload often. Anyways, this got kinda sappy ahah. I'll see you all in the next one, BUH-BYEEEE!!!

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