Aftermath (+18)

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"She's gonna be sooo pissed off at us!!" Lindsay screams. "We gotta somehow make her not try to kill all of us!" Geoff shouts. "What if we tell her what happened?! That Chris and that damn parrot are responsible for it!" Courtney suggests. "Oh, right, like she'll believe that and not try to skin us all alive!!" Cody screams. Chris laughs at all of you panicking before heading off to the Docks, getting ready to greet Leshawna. "We've gotta do something!!" Harold says.

"Wait!" Lindsay exclaims. "What if we just send Y/N? Maybe she'll be so happy to see him that she'll ignore that we voted her off!" Everyone is shocked to hear that actually good idea come out of Lindsay's mouth. "That...that might actually work" Noah struggles to spit out. "Who knew Lindsay would come up with a good idea?" Courtney asks. They all send you out to go "distract" Leshawna, while everyone else hides until it all blows over.

You take deep breaths as you get closer and closer to the dock where Chris and Leshawna reside. You can see that rather than a mad or sad face, she seems to have a rather suprised look on her face. As if she can't believe she was voted off. "Oh! Y/N! Figures you'd wanna say hi to your girlfriend!" Chris laughs as he leaves a still shocked looking Leshawna at the dock. "Y...Y-Y/N? Is that you?" Leshawna's expression slowly grows into more of a smile. "I've missed you so much, Leshawna" you say walking towards her with open arms. Almost in no time flat, Leshawna drops her luggage and scoops you up in her arms, hugging you tightly. "I've missed you've really really missed you."

Neither of you can hold back any longer as your lips press up against each other, in a deep raw need of passion. With a soft moan, Leshawna feels your whole body, moving her hands all over your head, back and butt. "...Y/N...." You soon break the kiss and lead her to the mansion in a light jog. "What about my stuff?" Leshawna asks. "We can come back for it" you quickly respond. You two immediately enter the mansion, not even looking to see where everyone else was hiding. Pretty quickly you find an empty bedroom, full with a massive bed. Leshawna closes the door and locks the it. "So...are we the only ones here or--" before she could finish, you press her up against the door and lean in for a deep, passionate, and even lustful kiss.

Leshawna goes for it as she leans her leg up and press it up against your side. She moans more and more in your mouth as she tears your shirt off of you. "Aw...that was my favorite" you chuckle. "Who cares?" Leshawna asks as she runs her hands all over your body once again. As she continues, you grope one of her breasts while nuzzling her neck. "That...feels....soooooo good!!" You soon take off Leshawna's shirt and toss it away, along with her bra and both of your pants.

You stare at Leshawna's breasts and can't believe how massive they look. They're somehow huge, but not to the point of looking unattractive. "What? You've never seen triple D's before?" she asks with her cocky tone. "No...but may I just say you are so incredibly sexy." Leshawna giggles as you two start melting in each others mouths again, while making your way to the bed. You take off whatever bits of clothing you have left and toss Leshawna onto her back.

"Are...are you sure we should be doing this?" Leshawna asks. You place a finger over her lips. "'s alright. We've both been wanting this for so long. Let's just let it happen." You lean in and kiss her again, delighted to see her kiss you back. You suddenly feel your now fully erect dick touch something. Something big. Something very very wet. "Do you wanna maybe...warm me up first?" you ask Leshawna. "Gladly."

She grabs your dick with one hand and sticks it between her two triple D breasts. She then opens her mouth and awaits for you to do the rest. Instantly, your start thrusting. The feeling of her two soft, giant mugumbos squeezing your dick while also feeling her warm, wet mouth on the upper region just feels incredible. Leshawna moans as she slurps and sucks and sips on your constantly inserting member.

I Wanna Be Famous: A Total Drama Island X Male Reader Series Book 7: Leshawna Where stories live. Discover now