Chapter 10

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At top of the building, a loud sound that of a jet engine was heard as Zero-One jumped out of the way from Superman's dive punch that smashed the ground.

Zero-One landed on the side and said "Stop it, Superman! This is gone far enough!"

"No way! You had really made a fool out of me for the last time!" Superman pointed his finger at him. "I'm going to defeat you and show that I'm Metropolis's beloved hero more than you!"

He fires his heat vision at him, but he dodges out of the way.

"Superman, this is ridiculous! Are you that obsessed with fame more than being a genuine hero?!" Zero-One shouted as he jumps away from another heat vision.

"And what do you know about?! I've been here longer than other heroes who came after me!" Superman shouted as he charged at Zero-One who kept jumping away from him.

"Stay still, you jerk!" Superman growled.

"Superman, being a hero is about helping those who cannot protect themselves," Zero-One said. "It's true that having fame is a proud point, but if you keep drowning into it, then you'll lose sight of what's truly important of being a hero."

"Shut up!!!" Superman shouted as Zero-One dodge away, however, Superman appeared behind him and smack him down to the abandoned warehouse.


The Superhero Girls jumping from one building after another. After another battle against the Magias with the help of Zero-One, they were tired as they needed to get home for their sleep curfew.

"Finally, we can just get back home to rest from the battle," Supergirl said, yawn a bit with her eyes feeling tired.

"I know, I need to get back home to get all these bruises to patch up," Zatanna said, "And fixing my hair of course."

"Well, we're almost there to our homes so about 30 minutes until then," Batgirl said.

Then Supergirl perk up and stopped, earning their attention.

"Supergirl, what's wrong?"

"Shhhhh!!! Super hearing at work!" Supergirl said as her super-hearing picked up a large bang across the far left.

"The abandoned warehouse!" Supergirl said as she zips towards it with the Superhero Girls following her.

At the abandoned warehouse

Zero-One groaned as Superman charged at him. Once again, Zero-One jumps out of the way, but Superman quickly got behind him and uppercut him to the ceiling.

He falls down to the ground as Zero-One groaned in pain.

"Now, I'm going to ask you one more time. Give up on your hero crusade and your dream!!" Superman said.

After a few moments, Zero-One glared at Superman "No. I will not give up on a dream for Humans and Humagears to live together in harmony."

"Say what? You mean those hunk of junk-"

"They're more than that!!" Zero-One shouted, "They are the future of humanity and the ones that can co-exist with humans, especially metahumans!" Zero-One got back up "You don't have the right to tell anybody to give up on their dreams!!"

Superman groaned with an angry expression "Seriously, I tell you many times and you still resist? Well, I'm gonna have to teach you the hard way."

"No, it's you that you need to be taught the hard way," Zero-One said. Unknown to them, the Superhero Girls got to the abandoned warehouse, but upon seeing them, they all hide behind the crates.

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