Chapter 1: The Beginning (creative, I know)

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1914 Amestrian Time

East City

The man known as Scar looked down at the pitiful creature that sat before him. 'To think' he thought to himself 'this poor creature was once a little girl.' he eyed the body of her dead father and cringed at what he had done. Just hours before, this cruel man had fused his own daughter with her dog in an attempt to impress the government and keep his job in the military as a state alchemist. 'this is why I hunt these heretics, these so called alchemists'. He turned to the Chimera and muttered “ you poor creature, once you have been given this form there is no way of separating you again.” he walked toward it, and as he was bending down, he put a hand on it's forehead and said “at least your passing will be in peace.” and in a flash of light, he ended its misery.

Elsewhere in the city...

Edward Elric sat on the library steps next to his brother Alphonse reevaluating his life. He had used alchemy as long as he had been able to read, but he had never imagined that it could be used for something so terrible. He had learned it from his father, who was a genius when it came to alchemy, but he left them when they were just boys, leaving only his notes. The two brothers then used this genius to try and bring back their mother after she died, but it ended with Ed losing an arm and a leg, and Al ended up as just a soul in a suit of armor. While their attempt failed, the fact that they survived the ordeal attracted the government, and they asked him to join the state alchemists at the age of eleven. It had been four years since then, and he was honestly thinking of quitting and leaving alchemy forever. He was just standing up to go hand in his resignation when he saw an odd hairline in the sky. His constant use of alchemy had given him an eye for detail, and one detail he noticed was that it was slowly getting bigger. “Hey Al” ed questioned his brother, “do you see that?”.

“Yeah, what do you think it is?” Al replied.

“i don't know, but it's getting pretty big”. The crack had widened enough to block out the sun. suddenly there was a flash of lightning, and the head and shoulders of a giant skinless figure appeared hanging upside down from the clouds.

“what is that?” Al cried out in alarm

“i have no idea” Ed squeaked. The giant reached up and grabbed onto the ground, and it's muscles suddenly started tensing up as the giant appeared to be pulling itself toward the ground. There was a deep rumbling, and as the brothers looked up the clouds parted, and in the sky was what appeared to be another world hanging upside down in the sky.

1576, Earthworld time

Death City

Maka Albarn was walking home from school with her seven best friends. They had known each other for years, ever since they had all entered death academy. The academy was originally made to train an army to help fight Kishins, but they had disappeared long ago, so instead they worked on making sure that they never came back. There were two types of people who attended the academy: weapons and meisters. Weapons had the ability to transform into a weapon, which would then be wielded by a meister who had a matching soul. Maka was one of these meisters, and her weapon was a scythe named Soul. To her left was the meister Black Star and his weapon Tsubaki. They had known each other for the longest time, and were the closest of friends. To her right was her friend Eren and his weapon (and adopted sister) Mikasa. They had just joined the academy two years ago, but they were already at the top of their class. Hanging slightly behind them was Armin, who was neither a Weapon nor a meister. He had been found by the academy as an orphan around three years ago, and didn't have any real friends until Eren and Mikasa had come to the academy. They were all walking to Eren's house, where his mother had dinner waiting for them. The house came into view, and they all saw Eren's mother waiting. They walked inside the door and greeted Eren's mother. “Hey”she said, “dinner's ready.”

They all ate the feast that had been prepared for them, and when they were done Eren's motherwent to get the dessert. As they were waiting they started a light conversation until black star suddenly exclaimed “What's that?!”

they all looked where he was pointing to see a strange crack in the sky. There was a sudden flash of light, and the bottom half of a skinless giant appeared out of nowhere. They all ran outside as the clouds parted and they saw the giant's top half. It was over 200 feet tall, and had no skin whatsoever. The thing that surprised them most of all is that he seemed to be pulling another world down toward them.

“woah! What is that?” Black Star yelled in his annoying voice.

Maka responded “i have no idea, but it doesn't look good”

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