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-London Evans

Race: mixed (black & white)Age: 14Fav color: purpleSexuality: bisexual - Laker Evans

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Race: mixed (black & white)
Age: 14
Fav color: purple
Sexuality: bisexual
- Laker Evans

Race: mixed (black & white)Age: 14Fav color: purpleSexuality: bisexual - Laker Evans

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Race: London's
Age: 15
Fav color: orange
Sexuality: straight
-Lily Evans

Race: London's Age: 15Fav color: orange Sexuality: straight -Lily Evans

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Race: white
Fav color: pink
Sexuality: closeted lesbian
Hope Evans

Race: whiteAge:16Fav color: pinkSexuality: closeted lesbian Hope Evans

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Race: black
Age: 34
Fav color: gold
Sexuality: straight
-Jonathan Evans

Race: blackAge: 34Fav color: goldSexuality: straight -Jonathan Evans

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Race: white
Age: 40
Fav color: green
Sexuality: straight

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