Maerceci giggled as she ran as fast as her little legs would take her,trying not to trip as she jumped and skipped towards her destination. Trying to get there as fast as possible so her parents wouldn't catch the scheming five year old.

Her sight began to lock onto two huge wooden doors that seemed like gate keepers to the outside world. There was one tiny problem,she was too short to reach the handle,and probably not strong enough to push the heavy doors open.

Huffing in disappointment her postured deflated a small bit before puffing back up when an idea popped into her small head. Rushing back down the hall she dived underneath the closest thing to her,a small wooden table.

Her parent footsteps could be heard running down the hallway at a ferocious pace,Maerceci had to slam a tiny hand over her mouth to keep her from bursting out laughing as her mothers high heels and her father combat boots stopped a few paces away from her hiding spot.

"She couldn't have possibly opened the doors,Andy",Maerceci could already tell that her mom was giving her dad a death stare from how many times she does it.

"What? I can't teach I five year old how to open two 25-pound doors",Andy retorted,his boots shifting nervously. Meranda"s heels also seemed to kick back,she walks closer to her husband,"Well since we have some free time-."

   "Ewwwwww,gwoss!",Maerceci couldn't help it,she hated it when her parents kissed and this was crossing the line. The popped out of her hiding spot like a groundhog with a fake disgusted look on her chubby cheeks.

   Meranda gave Andy a slight punch on the shoulder and a smirk,"I knew it would work",she says picking up the gagging five year old,

    Andy just gave a nervous chuckle and rubbed the back of his head,ruffling his dirty blond hair. "You sure did",he said awkwardly.

Meranda seemed to scoff and look at her watch "It's time for bed sweetie",she says making the five year old look at her wrist again "Bwut mommy-.".

"No buts,your going to bed missy",her mother counters only to receive a look that meant the five year old knew something.

"Bwut you dwont hwave a watch",the child pointed out,gently prodding at the spot where the nonexistent watch sat. Meranda seemed to slowly turn to her fidgeting husband,a small glare in her eyes,just enough for Maerceci to notice and it give an Oooooooo,like he had just gotten in tons of trouble.

"Ryan,could you take Maerceci to her room please?",Meranda asked her husbands brother who quickly nodded,not wanting to get murdered by the woman.

Meranda swapped the child into Ryan's arms and turned around to see that her husband was no longer there,a small growl emanated from her throat as she began to walk down the hallway,her head on a swivel.

Maerceci couldn't help but giggle when she heard her father shriek from down the hall,her uncle could help it either. "Let's get you to bed",Ryan said,turning around and beginning to walk down the hallways that were beginning to dim.

Maerceci's head slowly fell onto her uncles shoulder and her eyelids began to droop,the hall smearing into a black abyss that meant sleep was incoming.

A boom and an extreme amount of pressure washed over,the young girl closed her eyes as a yell echoed from down the hallways and she and her uncle fell into the abyss....

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2020 ⏰

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