The Best Thing I Ever Did 10.20.20

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Did you already meet the one? That person you are sure that you will spend the rest of your life with? That person you are certain that will hold your hand, will hug you tight, will be there with you in any circumstances, will listen to your unending stories, will stay by your side until the end? That person who is your soul mate and partner for life? TWICE refers to each other, as their "the one".

Do you ever have that one person who constantly makes you smile, makes you laugh, makes you comfortable, makes you warm, makes you feel loved, makes you feel special, makes you feel nice, makes you feel all the good things in the world? For TWICE, they have each other.

Almost 10 years of being together, they have grown and saw each other mature and develop over time. In that span of time, they have learned to accept everything about them, accept their whole soul, accept their whole being, accept their favorites, accept their insecurities, accept their failures, accept every little thing about them inside and out that made them care for each other more, love each other more.

The past few months were hard for the nine of them, especially because there were unfortunate things that happened that they did not expect to happen in their lives. Nevertheless, it always come and go, and they are still thankful since it gave them a lesson and reminder right after.

It has been hard, sure, but having each other made it easier to overcome and they will never get tired of being grateful because of that.

In some circumstances when they have mixed feelings and doesn't understand the world anymore, they have each other.

Dahyun seldom shows the feeling of loneliness because she doesn't want her members to worry about her because she knows, once she shed a tear, or hug them so tight that she feels like breaking inside, they will be dead worry for her and she doesn't want that to happen. She doesn't want to disturb someone and be a burden to others. It is the last thing she wants to happen in her entire life. And that's the reason why she doesn't have any choice but to keep it all by herself.

Though she literally has 8 more people around her in her everyday life ever since she debuted, and many more people who support her, she still cannot help but feel empty inside, as if she doesn't have anyone that she cannot lean on and it sure is heavy because she, most of the times, feel it. A little more push and she will believe that negative idea of her not really belong in the group.

There are times when she feels she doesn't belong because she doesn't have the same hobbies with them, same past time activities with them, same favorites with them. She feels she doesn't belong because she's not the star of the group, she's not the type of person that when talking, all eyes and ears are on her. It feels like she's an ordinary one, someone that doesn't have no one.

On most nights when she feels like that, she cries herself to sleep, so quiet that everyone thinks she is already sleeping peacefully while all of them are still in the living room watching some romantic movies. She whimpers when she cannot stop herself from crying anymore. She whimpers like a child that feels so much from an unexplainable feeling, and indeed, she is.

Dahyun really doesn't know why she's feeling that, why she's thinking all of that when in fact, she is loved by many, she is cared by many, and definitely, supported by many. She just doesn't know, or she just doesn't want to believe because she knows she doesn't deserve it. She thinks she doesn't deserve all the cheers and screams, the effort and appreciation, the care and love she keeps on receiving every single second in her life.

And Chaeyoung knows it all. She knows how Dahyun cries every night, how she hurts herself by thinking all of that. She is beyond grateful that the girl is sharing her feelings to her when she is in the mood to express everything that is in her heart. She is thankful for those deep talks they have when everyone is asleep already. Dahyun knows Chaeyoung is the one who understands her the most and she will never stop being grateful about that fact.

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