The Shooting

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Rachel POV

Bang. Bang.

"What was that?" I asked Finn,
while clutching on to his long arm. "It sounded like a gun." Finn replied. Finn grabs my hands and then starts  running towards the choir room, were everyone else is.

"Rachel, Finn! Hurry. Come inside." Mr. Shue says to us while closing and lockinf  the door. Once we got inside another gun shot when off.

"Okay, guys, quick spread out and hide." Mr. Shue whispers loudly. Finn and I hide by the trophy case. I look around the room trying to see who all was here. I see Quinn and Puck together by Mr. Shue. I also see Artie lying on the ground with Blaine and Kurt. I saw everyone except for Brittany.

"Where's Brittany?" I whisper to Santana, who was next to me. Santana looks around frantically. Not knowing were Brittany is she quickly stands up and heads for the door. "I need to go find Britt!" Santana says loudly. "No. Santana, I'm sure she's safe. You need to stay here." Mrs. Pillsbury says to a frantic Santana.

Then another gunshot goes off and Santana quickly sits down .I put out my hand, so she can grab it and she does. I look up at Finn, He looks down at me and he notices that I start to cry. He then hugs me tightly, I  burry my face into his chest. He starts to stroke my hair. I can tell that Santana was uncomfortable with this because she lets go of my hand. "Everything will be ok." Finn whispers into my ear. "If something happens I just want to tell you that I love you so much." I say to him.

"I love you too."Finn says with tears forming in his eyes.

Then someone runs to one of the doors and starts to frantically try to open it. Artie crawls to the door to look through one of the small windows that was by the door and It was Brittany! Artie quickly pulls himself up to unlock the door and Brittany comes rushing in. Santana runs up to her and kisses her. "Are you ok?" Santana asks while looking to see if Brittany has any cuts or bruises.

"I-I saw t-the person w-who shot the g-gun!" Brittany tries explaining. "Are you ok Brittany?" Mr. Shue asks. "Yeah, I-Im fine but there headed this way." Brittany says while pointing at another door in the choir room.

Kurt POV

Once Brittany says that we all quickly go back to out spots. Blaine and I sit behind the piano with are knees up to are chests. Blaine burrows his face into my neck.

"I love you Kurt."

"I love you Too."

Boom Boom

All of a sudden someone starts pounding on the door after a while the door swings open and someone with a black mask walks in.

"Everyone get up!" The man with the mask yells, while pointing a gun at us. Everyone gets up. "Now everyone make a circle." He yells again. Everyone makes a circle even Mr. Shue. "Now I'm gonna come around and point the gun at your head when I do, you're gonna say your first and last name." The man explains, he starts with Mr. Shue.

"Will Schuester."

"Emma P-Pillsbury."

"Noah Puckerman."

"Q-Quinn Fabray."

"Mercades Jones."

"Artie Abrams."

"Mike Chang."

"Tina Cohn C-Chang."

"R-Rachel Berry-y."

"Finn Hudson."

"Sam Evans."

"Kurt Hummel."

"Blaine Anderson."

"Santana Lopez."

"Brittany S. Pierce."

"Wait so your full name is Brittany Spears?" The man asks while chuckling to himself.

"Ok well now that I know all of your names, were gonna play spin the bottle but with a twist. You either kiss or get shot. Well maybe you'll get shot there's 3-6  bullets in the gun."The man asked.

Finn POV

He puts the bottle in the middle and then points at me. I look at Rachel for permission even though I really don't have a choice and She nods. I spin the bottle and it lands on.....Puck! Puck leans in and I quickly kiss him. "Good. Very Good. Now you." He points at Quinn. She spins the bottle and it lands on Rachel. Quinn leans toward Rachel and kisses her longer than she should of.  "Okay. Good."

"What's wrong with you!" I blurt out. "Excuse Me?"

"Finn. Don't." Rachel says with a tear going down her face.

"I said what is wrong with you."

Then he aims the gun at my leg and shoots.

Rachel POV

The man all of sudden shoots Finn in the leg and Finn yells in agony. I grab Finn before he hits the ground but his weight pulls me down with him. I then start stroking his hair. "Shh, Its ok. You'll be ok." I try calming him down but I start getting dizzy from the sight of his blood. Mr Shue takes off his tie and raps it around his leg to stop It from bleeding. And I grab my cardigan and wrap his leg hoping it will help.

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