(Hoseok's pov)

    Today was my first day at stupid water high. I can't believe my parents are making me go here, they know that I don't belong here and I don't wanna be here.

I went to the office to pick up my schedule and skimmed through it. Swimming classes are all day Tuesday? What the fuck? This school loves swimming so much that they have a whole day dedicated to swimming? Weird I thought. I realize that I have swimming tomorrow. SHIT! how am I supposed to cover the scars?! That's a problem for tommorow I say to myself to comfort myself.

I go to my first hour which is science. There was a lot of people but strangely there was one side of the room that didn't talk at all. I went up to introduce myself "hi my name is hoseok I like rapping, and to be honest I already hate this school." I didn't realize I said the last part out loud untill students kept snickering. I looked at the teacher to see his reaction he looked shocked for about a second then sighed and told me to take a seat wherever I wanted.

There was a seat on the silent side of the room but I went to the talkative side of the room. I thought might as well participate in activities and these people will make this easier. I started walking towards the desk untill an ugly ass hoe had the audacity to step on my shoe and steal the seat mouthing something like, "back off bitch, yoongi's mine" what the fuck I thought. Who the fuck is yoongi? Probably some rich kid that goes here like I care anyways.

I went to the other side of the class kind of grateful for the quiet students since the other side was whispering about me. They whispered and laughed as if I wasn't in the room with them what drama queens I thought to myself while rolling my eyes. I felt a tap on my shoulder behind me I looked at the person with a questioning face they looked back at me worried, But whatever they wanted to say was cut off by the teacher.

"Alright class settle down. Today we will be talking about sound waves and UV light." I honestly did not believe that this was a high school class, I learned this all like in preschool what the heck.  The teacher handed us a piece of paper that we were supposed to fill in as homework. I skimmed through the questions it looked and sounded so easy like I could finish it in 2 minutes.

~time skip~

Lunch time. I was thinking about what we needed to do in math I wasn't really paying attention. I was texting my friends. I miss them a lot.

I went to go get my lunch when I got my lunch I was looking around to see what tables were open. Like in all my classes the talkative students were on one side and the other people were on the other side of the room. I was going to go to the talkative side, then I saw the girl that stank worse than a skunk, like damn girl there's something called deodorant I think you need it.

She looked me up at down and scoffed at me. I was going to drag her ass untill I heard a "psst you from science class." I turned around to see a friendly smile on a handsome guys face. (Y'all wanna guess who it is? Here's my clue: han dsome.) He looked like a cute little squirrel (clue two.) I wanted to squeeze his cheeks they look so cute when he eats.

He looked at me and told me to sit down I did as told and he introduced me to his friends "this is I.N my baby, this is minho my manz, felix my twin, chan my dad, seungmin aka grumpy dog, changbin more like trashbin am I right?, Also hyunjin but he's popular with the girls so he sits over there." He pointed to the other side of the room and there i saw a handsome boy with girls surrounding him asking him all kinds of things. He looked like he wanted to cry. Poor him.

I looked at squirrel boy and tell him "you never told me your name, silly." "Oops, my name is jisung nice to meet you hoseok" he said while shaking my hand.

~time skip~
After school. I was walking home and I see a guy holding a dog while running looked like he was running late ha sucks. Today was honestly not that bad I made new friends and they were really nice. But the classes were too easy. Who doesn't know the pythagorean theorem in high school?! Anyways my first day wasn't all trash except that trashy ass bitch that tried to fight me.

826 words

The end

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