Chapter 16 - Big Moves

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I hadn’t heard from Taylor all day. I contemplated following her when she stormed off last night but it would’ve only made things worse. She had already worked herself up into a mood. I admit I’ve kinda been avoiding her since that phone call but last night I genuinely got a flat tire and the tow truck took forever, so I had to call Ben for a ride home.

My car was still in the shop as we speak. I just didn’t know how to tell her  I was actually considering putting our relationship on hold for this movie. I didn’t know if I was gonna get an opportunity like this ever again, that’s how it is in the acting world.

We had an early day of filming today so we wrapped it up by 11am. I decided that the best thing to do would be to talk to Taylor about everything, and see if we could come to some sort of agreement.

I packed up my things and took a cab over to her dorm, fixing my hair as the wind blew it in different directions. After the really long elevator ride, I walked down the hallway to the dorm. I raised my hand to knock on the door but it was already slightly opened. I don’t know why but I got a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach as I forced my way inside.

My heart sunk at the sight. Taylor was passed out on the floor with her roommate beside her. Both of them covered in neon paint and powder as if they’d been out raving all night. They were both still dressed but the position they were in made me sick to my stomach.

“Taylor.” I smacked her, and she rolled over. One of her eyes peeled opened and she winced. “We need to talk.”

I walked off to her bedroom and sat on the bed, mad as hell. Here I was contemplating my future, thinking about her—about us. And she was snuggled up with her roommate looking like they just battled in a paint war. I was pissed, I couldn’t even hide it.

Why did she have to be so childish? Didn’t she understand that I was a real person and I have fucking emotions too? For God sakes.

“Abby, my head is killing me.” She grumbled, rubbing her temples.

“Good.” I deadpanned. “What happened last night?”

“What happened was, I was sat there waiting on you since 8pm when you said you’d be home.”

“I got a flat tire! I can’t believe you got upset over something so petty, and you didn’t even let me explain.” I ran a hand through my blonde hair; I can already feel my face heating up.

She looked away guiltily.

“I have to give my manager an answer about the movie in a few days. I thought it would be an issue considering we were in a relationship, but I guess you’d rather be alone. I’m gonna do what’s best for me and my future and take the job.”

“Why would that be an issue? I would want you to take it if that’s what you wanted.” She said frowning.

“It’s in Taiwan.”


What the absolute fuck?

“And you’ve known for how long?”

“A few weeks.” She said simply.

“So you’ve known that you’d be leaving soon and you had me like a little bitch thinking this could actually work.” I frowned deeper.

“I hadn’t decided until last night.”

“Give me a fucking break. Like you would give that opportunity up, I’m not as dumb as I look.” I was genuinely hurt at the entire situation. “You took it once before remember? When you decided to go off to film school; I’m used to people walking out of my life anyways, don’t worry about it.”

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