Interview 2

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I've added something to unknown trouble, if you don't want to re-read the whole chapter or can't spot the change, I gave F,Catboy a scar on his right eye. Thanks to
@FarisFanaticP012 for suggestions this idea.
The PJ masks ran to the news station. They had to get the message out about Diego. They ran back to the room where they were supposed to stay in until they were called for the interview.

Staff: PJ masks! There you are, I've been looking everywhere for you guys. The interview is about to start, so hurry up!
Interviewer: Alright, as you all know, this video of what seems to be superheroes has been taking the world by storm.

The video (that Cameron took) played in the background as he spoke.

Interviewer: So today for the first time, we are going to get an interview with these heroes.
Everyone please welcome the masked heroes.

Everyone claps as the Pj masks walk in. they wave and sit down on the chair.

Interviewer: Alright, we've never gotten your names.

Connor: I'm Connor, that's Amaya, and that's Greg.

Interviewer: So you guys are superheroes?

Amaya: That's right.

Interviewer: How long have you guys been doing this Uhh superhero thing?

Greg: About 5 or more years now.

Interviewer: We have never seen you guys up until now, how come?

Conner: We usually go out during the night time.

Interviewer: Well that adds up. So about this video of you fightning..... somebody can you give us some details about what happened? Some people are calling you three bad guys.

The same video played on the TV screen to let the Pj masks see.

Conner: Right, so there is this villain, his name is Diego, and he comes from the future to try and kill us. We have tried to stop him many times, but he is too powerful for us to stop. The future us is also here to try and stop him as well.

Interviewer: Interesting.

The interviewer asks more questions and at the end of the interview they gave a warning about Diego.
They rushed back to the Pj mask headquarters to see if F,Romeo found anything suspicious.

Amaya: Hey Romeo........ what are present Romeo, Luna Girl and Night Ninja doing here?

F,Romeo: They are here to help us stop Diego. With most of our friends still recovering from the last need as much help as we can get. We don't know when Diego will be attacking the city again.

Greg: Alright, so what are you working on?

F,Romeo: Kid Romeo is working on robots to help us with the next fight with Diego, and I'm working on a new weapon.

Conner: Cool! Can we see?

F,Romeo: Nope, no way, absolutely not.

Conner: What? Why?

F,Romeo: They are almost done being fixed, last time they exploded. It's too dangerous now, you'll have to wait for a week to see the new weapons. But in the meantime you guys will be training your powers.

Amaya: How?

F,Romeo: Since Diego is fast, Conner you will be training you cat speed so you can run faster and catch up to him, you will also work on your super cat stripes so that they won't break when you use them against Diego. Amaya you will work on your super feather shield, your super owl feathers and your flying abilities. Greg will be working on super Gekko shield, super Gekko muscles and super Gekko grip.

Greg: Well how do we train?

F,Romeo: I have made special machines for all of you to do your training.

F,Romeo pressed a button and a door opened in the headquarters. There was a machine for each of them to train on.

Amaya: Cool.

F, Romeo: Alright, get to training now, hurry up, Diego is getting stronger by the second and you guys are just standing there. I'll be working on the New invention now, bye!

The door shut behind them and they starting using these special machines.

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