The SkyWars History: Snakes part 2

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        Penguin and I where playing alot of skywars. We have just played all the other maps. Of course I die at the beginning AGAIN (like always) well penguin has our strategy all planned out, she went from snake to snake looting all the chests that some butt cheek missed. Well It was the end and it was just a guy and then her of course. So it was a battle  between both of them, someone won, then suddenly 

I hear

the most



ever made.

Penguin was like," YEAAAAASSSSSSSSSSSSS" but then I look in chat and she lost to the other guy. It was really funny to him I was thinking a witch laugh he would make, but we both rage quit and left.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2015 ⏰

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