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I look behind me as we started hearing gunshots not far. I took out a gun from jacket and glances back at Yaya and the boss aware of the situation.

"The enemies found us. Get out of there now!" the guy ordered, Yaya nodded at him while i look at the guy in confusion. When i stared at it with a closer look i figured this guy was just an illusion or a realistic hologram. Seriously!? Why didn't i notice that. This damn gadgets.

Yaya suddenly grabs my wrist which shook me a bit pulling me inside to a secret passage door into this very room, i look behind me to hear the door is getting bang by the enemies I just followed Yaya and we were entering inside a medieval style passageways.

"Boboiboy we cannot let them see you." Yaya said and removes her scarf putting it on me, covering my head and neck. Smelling her nice lavender fragrance in it.

"Who are we running away from?" i ask while she currently fixes me, she looks at me with serious and worried look. "It's complicated." she answered. "I can't let you die okay? Not here." she said and averted her gaze. We continued running into this long dark medieval hallway not until we reached another wall, Yaya again opens it by pressing something in the wall opening slowly, she pushes me inside.

"Boboiboy you need to go, meet me at the house. Okay?"

"What no! let me go with you!" I insist but she halted me. "No, trust me okay? I'll meet you at the house. Just promise me you'll keep yourself safe okay?" she said sounding serious like she would do something by herself. Damn it!

"But Yaya-"

"Boboiboy please, just listen to me for this once. Don't be stubborn." she said fixing the scarf in my head and touches my face. I was angry and mad at her for deciding such thing, it was hard for me. I shut my eyes and she took her hand away, once i open my eyes again she was already gone like she disappeared in just a split second.

I clench my fist turning and runs away mad at myself.


As Yaya closes the passages walls, she peaks from the side of the wall to see a group of mobs searching for them.

I need to distract them.

Yaya thought.

She loaded her guns and started running her shoes creating a noise. "There!" she heard one of them and kept running.

They started raining her with bullets luckily for Yaya she reaches a turning point hiding while catching her breath. As the gunshot stops she took the opportunity to shoot down one of them while reloading then runs away.

"After her!"

One of them yelled, as Yaya returns to the room. She closes the passageways. She scans the room to see it messy, books were scattered everywhere at the floor, vases were broken and there were bullet holes visible within the walls. She silently walks out of the room peaking in the long silent hallway. The light were flickering on and off, like she was walking in a movie beibg haunted by the enemies which is happening to he right now.

Suddenly she flinch as she hears the room of where came from broke down, like something had been smash off. She started running for her life.

As for Boboiboy he comes out from a junk yard in a hole underneath the ground. His head coming out blinding his eyes from the sun's ray, as he manage to escape. He shuts his eyes and kicks tge litter beside hin.

I shouldn't have left her. Darn it!

He cursed but he knew it was Yaya's will hoping she would come back to him safe and not hurt. Suddenly he ducks as he hears some sounds of car stopping nearby. He peak in the small hole within the wooden fences to see groups of men wearing dark attires paired with black shades as he figured he saw the whole shop being surrounded.


He thought worried and doubtful.

With no choice he left angrily upset as soon as the place was being investigated by those people.

Boboiboy went back to the house angry, he was cursing of himself for letting Yaya all alone back there just because she ordered it. Well Yaya did everything just to protect him from those mobs she even risked her life for him which he doesn't want. He doesn't know what to do anymore not until he thought of something Yaya wouldn't want him to do.

30 minutes later Boboiboy prepared himself. Suddenly the door burst open revealing Yaya in her worst state. Boboiboy runs out from his room and saw her, she was covered in blood, she had a gunshot wound in her side belly. "Yaya!" he runs after her after Yaya lost her consciousness he catches her from falling towards the floor.

"Thank goodness you're alive." he said and carries her to the near sofa, then fastly dialing a doctor.

"It's an emergency!"


Several hours later Boboiboy opens his eyes hoping to see Yaya awake but as he expect she wasn't, she was still unconscious 9 hours later after being treated by a doctor.

"Damn it Yaya, you had me worried sick." he spoke while watching her gentle face even if she's a war freak or violent lady type, she'd had this face opposite from her attitude.

He exits the room after he hears his stomach grumbles, he stares at the kitchen while scratching the top of his head. Well for starters he doesn't know how to cook? Since he lived five years in prison, in his recent life all he ever knew was to order around and beat people to their limits.

"Damn, i wish i knew how to cook." he frowns face palming while continuously cursing at himself mentally.

However as he saw a telephone at the door side, he thought of ordering food. Which he really did, he ordered many kinds of food because he has a lot of money which his family owns so much and doesn't give a damn right now, he also left some few food for Yaya when she wakes up. Minutes later after eating he walks back to Yaya's room peaking inside he sighs as he sees her still in a state of unconsciousness.

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