Chapter 4-Something Different (Hanji/Levi's POV)

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"Honestly, if this is a side effect of befriending the Titan Freak, then what have I gotten myself into?"


(Hanji's POV)

Let me just describe what I was feeling that night- Shitty. Shitty. And a sprinkle of shitty. I did some stupid crap that seemed like a blur then, but was coming back to me now.

Holy crap.

I remember throwing myself at some recruits. Teenagers. I was throwing myself at teenagers. Dear God, let me make it through this day. I remember terribly flirting with Erwin. Erwin. Of all people. I kept stumbling on the horrible pickup lines I was using, and I tripped into him a few times.

I remember why I chose to pickup the bottle in the first place, but that's a whole other story...

I tried lifting myself from the bed but I could barely get my eyes open. I could feel my glasses still sitting on the middle of my nose, and I didn't even want to think about how bad my head was throbbing. I heard noises coming from my room, but my ears made them sound screechy and loud.

Suddenly, my stomach rolled and my throat felt like it was...gurgling? I sprang up from my bed, and turned my head to the side to see hands holding a bright red large bucket already waiting for me. I didn't pay attention to who was holding the bucket, but all I felt was disgusting. I think you can guess what happened...

In the process, my hair was slipping to my face, but whoever was holding the bucket for me, used their free hand to tuck my hair behind my ear. I have to admit that I felt better getting all of that..gunk...out, and all I could think about was the person holding the bucket. It had to be a recruit or something. Maybe Armin...

I looked up to see the one and only...

Clean Freak.

I was left utterly confused as I stared at him. He looked disgusted. Why didn't he get someone else to this?

"L-Levi?" I managed to croak out.

"Nooo it's Marco, Titan Freak." His sarcasm was intense and he rolled his eyes. "And brush your teeth, Shitty-Glasses. Your clothes are on your bed. You might want to take a shower, too."

He stood up, and began to walk towards my room door with the horrible stench of the bucket clouding the room. He paused, "You also have a tad of explaining to do when I get back." Then he trudged out the door.

I lifted my arm and I smelled so disgusting that I couldn't possibly string enough words together to describe it. To say the least, I was utterly embarrassed that Levi saw me in such a gross state. I really wanted to hang out with him today, but what happened yesterday afternoon and this morning makes me never want to make eye contact with him ever again.

I untied the messy ponytail my hair was in, and quickly threw off the smelly white button up shirt I was wearing. Quietly I walked into the bathroom and observed my face very closely. I looked like a trash can that was stomped on and crushed multiple times. "PhoooO", I oddly sighed still looking at my hideous reflection. I got the shower running, and while waiting for it to be hot, I brushed my teeth thoroughly. I'm literally a train wreck. Why did I even decide to let myself get so stupid?

I don't know why I started crying, but I did. I was humanity's smartest, right? I kind of wiped the cold tears off my cheeks still feeling completely regretful and idiotic. I didn't even want to shower anymore. Instead I wanted to just relax...but not alone. I needed someone to rant to. A vent. I would've asked Petra to listen any day, but we all know how that story goes...

- - -


Jesus Christ. Hanji was chaotic...and gross. Sometimes she really goes overboard and doesn't realize that she can't control herself the way she says she does.

It's frustrating.

Plus, I never knew she drank that much. There had to be some specific reason for it, and I was preparing myself for the idiotic mess it was going to sound like. I heard the shower sound go off from the hallway, and was immediately relieved to know that that filth was finally clean.

Last night, I slept in her room for the fear that she'd practically choke on her own puke. She looks...drained...but not only from the alcohol. Something was different. Much much different.

- - -

After a little while I quietly walked around the hallway back to her room. I knocked on the door twice not recieving any reply.

After awhile I became excruciatingly curious to know why Hanji had went back to old habits. Yes, I knew that she drank heavily in the past, and she tended to be very dependent on different substances. I knocked once more, and took it upon myself to turn the knob of the door. I immediately shook my head.
"Tsk. I was gone for an hour, and here you are." I whispered across the room with my eyebrows in a motion that made an annoyed impression. Shitty-Glasses was on the floor, cross-legged, in a pool of tears and used tissues. I made my way over to her, and kneeled in front of her face despite her continuously trying to hide it from me.

I cupped her chin with both hands, and wiped away a falling tear with my thumb. I noticed that her eyes widened for a split second as she stopped sobbing, and stared into my now-soft-expression with her intense brown eyes.

- - -

((Hanji's POV))

I stared at him and my heart started to pulse through my skin as he wiped away a warm tear that began to streak down my cold skin.

Why did he make me feel this way? This feeling was aweful and tainted and confusing and gross and immature all at the same time. My heart has never beated so fast. My eyes never sank into anyone's this way because I was so used to a constant dependency on objects.

I leaned a little bit closer to his face gradually. I felt like there was just...something different......



HEY GUYS!!!! I haven't updated since January (boooooo) I've been so busy gah! ><

I'm so happy I now have the word count/draft review feature! Now it'll be A THOUSAND TIMES EASIER to update and write chapters. This chapter had over 1035 words (woah that's a lot)

Well, I don't have writer's block anymore, and today's Saturday so my next update should be expected in about 6 days! Thanks for all the reads guys, and I hope this story gets popular soon ayeeee. I hope you liked this chapter.

And my birthday was earlier this month so that was a major distraction. Again, sorry to keep you all waiting! May the Levihan live on!!!!!! Chapter 5 will be out hella soon *pinky promises*

In the mean time, hope you enjoyed and feedback is always appreciated //wink\\


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