chapter 28

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As soon as she entered she saw that Arti was sitting on Sidharth's lap and it looked like they were kissing.


When Sidharth was sitting in his cabin and waiting for Shehnaz,Arti came.

Arti:hi sid

Sid:hi Arti

Arti:actually I came here to ask if you could accompany me in my friend's party and we could have fun together

Sid:Sorry Arti but I can't come......this deal is very much important and needs my time

Arti:plz sid just for a few hours

She started moving towards Sidharth and intentionally sat on his lap.

Sid:Arti what are you doing

Arti:sidharth plz

Just then Shehnaz came inside ,Arti and Sidharth were so close that it looked like they were kissing.

Flashback ends

Shehnaz eyes were welled up with tears and she turned around to go.

Shehnaz POV

Why is he doing this?Has he moved on?But he loved me......But I also didn't I think he has moved on.Why sidharth you are affecting me so much.

POV ends

Asim:hey Shehnaz what's up

Sana:Hi asim

Asim( notices tears in her eyes ):Shehnaz are you crying?

Sana:no no it's just that something went in my eyes,Excuse me

She wents from there and Asim finds it strange so he goes to Sidharth's cabin to ask what happened. As he enters he also sees the same scene.

Shehnaz goes to the washroom and locks it. She cries her heart out.After crying, she does her makeup so that nobody can tell that she was crying. She comes out of the washroom and leaves.

Asim:What the hell is happening here and you Miss Arti you don't know it's an office not your plz get lost

Arti gets up from Sidharth's lap and angrily leaves Sidharth's cabin.

Sid:Asim why are you shouting so much

Asim:bro you don't know what was happening here

Sid:listen asim she forcefully sat

Asim:I know bhai,but you know Shehnaz came here and saw this

Sid:what ,shehnaz came here

Shehnaz enters and they become silent.

Sana:Mr.Shukla if your personal work is done we can start with the project

Sidharth can see that how much she cried and the hurt in her eyes. He couldn't take it so just shook his head .Asim moved out.

Sana:Mr.Shukla I think we should plan this way and other designs we can see in my office

Sid:Shehnaz why are you being so formal with me

Sana:because we are in our work place and you very well know that I keep my personal and professional life separate

Sid:but atleast we can talk as friends

Sana:Sorry Mr.Shukla it's not possible ,plz it's our professional work so take it like that way only



Why is she behaving like that?she is not even talking normally......maybe she is disturbed by the morning scene

POV ends

Sid:I am sorry for whatever happened in the morning

Sana:why you are telling sorry, it's your personal life you can do anything

Sidharth was hurt by her cold answers.

Sana POV

I am sorry Sidharth but I don't want to get attached will become more difficult for me to go away from you......we can't be together

POV ends

Kabir enters the cabin.

Kab:sorry to disturb you guys,but if your work is done Sana we can leave as we have to shift to the new house and if you don't mind before that we can go for coffee

Sana:ya,sure.......bye Mr.Shukla meet you tomorrow, let's go Kabir

She left the office with Kabir.

Sidharth POV

Why she has to go everywhere with Kabir......he is so close to her.....we can go for a coffee (mimicking kabir)and she also had to agree ,I can't let her go alone with him.....I have to do something

POV ends

He also moves out and calls Kaushal in the way.
I hope you liked today's part. Sorry for the delay. Also think about the mysterious mission in the previous chapter🤔🤔.Do vote and comment. Their is a surprise for you guys which I will reveal tomorrow😊😊. So keep guessing about the surprise.

Keep streaming the songs.

Bye,take care.Love u all ❤❤

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