Second Chances

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Two roads diverge in a yellow road.

And sorry I couldn’t travel both..

She was your usual simple girl who lived in a simple family. She’s already in high school and is about to graduate soon. But somehow things aren’t going smoothly as she wants it to be. Her academic grades aren’t that great so she might not be able to get in to her desired university. Her family, which only consists of her, her older sister and their parents, is about to be broken. The person she likes in school would never look at her properly. All these regrets keep on piling up and all she wants was a place she could feel comfortable again.. a place for her…and deep inside she wanted to change things back to how it was before.

“That’s impossible” is what she always thought but one sometimes miracle does happen, unexpected things occur.

It was the start of their new semester, Shida Mirai, is rushing for the train or she might miss it and be late for her first day!

When she got to the station, it was crowded even more especially since it’s a Monday. But being small has an advantage too! And so, fortunately she was able to make her way through the crowd and got it safely.

As the train started moving, it was slow at first but it gradually became faster and faster until who knows what happened.

People panicked. The train was jumping horribly, it seems like the machine is out of control.

In a blink of an eye, people are already lying on the ground including shida.

“Is this the end..or is this just a dream…or is this another misfortune of mine?” Shida thought before her eyes closed.

And everything turned black.


There was the silence and only the familiar sound of the bell can be heard.

Her eyes started to open but her view is a bit blurry.

“Where am I?” was the first word she was able to utter..

“Mirai-chan?” a familiar voice asked.

Shida turned her head a little to see a better view of the door where the voice is coming from. And she saw her…best friend. Shida got bewildered.

“Suzu-chan is talking to me? But …when did we make up? I can’t…remember anything.”

“Are you okay?” Ohgo Suzuka asked, the tall, pale girl with a shoulder hair length and Shida Mirai’s best friend asked with a worried look on her face. “You suddenly collapsed during our P.E class” she continued as she approached her and sat beside the bed.

“Eh..I did?” was all she could say.

“un. The nurse told us you were probably tired so you need to rest more. For the time being, you don’t have to worry about anything! You can count on me for the notes!” her best friend reassuringly told her while she held her hands.

“WAIT. P.E?! But it’s just the start of the new semester!”

“Thank you Suzu-chan!” and smiled at her best friend. She felt weird but it was nice that they’re finally good friend again.

“But…by the way, what date is it today?”

“It’s the 25th of April.” She replied with a curious look on her face “why do you ask? Is something wrong?”

”A-ah no, nothing”

“Then, Mirai-chan, I’ll go ahead for the next class, okay?”

“un, see you later.”

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2012 ⏰

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