⭐️Chapter 15: Bai Bai!💧

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Y/n was sleeping, curling up with Mr Oinks and Foxy. Her arm was bandaged up from being broken by Hanzo. She was softly snoring as she was sleeping.

Gon had left a few moments ago after hearing that the Hunter exam ended and that Killua failed, so he went to confront Illumi about it. Satotz had left as well with Gon, leaving the female alone with her animals.

Soon a butterfly flew into the room and landed on the head of the small child as she slept peacefully.

Soon the door opened to be Hisoka. As he entered the foxy plush emitted some bloodlust to scare off who ever had entered.

"It's just me~" Hisoka said as he headed towards the 3. He poked the child's cheek as she started to open her eyes. She moved on her side and looked at Hisoka.

"Hiso...chan..." She mumbled softly as she sat up, rubbing her eyes with her one hand, considering her other arm was broken.

"We have to get going little fox~"

"Okie...but can I say bai to everyone..." She mumbled as Hisoka had helped her off the bed.

"Alright then~" Y/n smiled happily. "Okie! I won't be long big brother! Let's go Mr Oinks!" Mr Oinks jumped off the bed and followed the female out of the room.


"Mr Satotz! Menchi-Neesan! Buhara-san! Grandpa!" The hunters looked at the small female who ran over to them, with her plush in her arms.

"You're awake now, is your arm feeling better?" Satotz asked the female who nodded her head slightly. He also handed the girl her hunter licences and all the items that the other applicants got when they were in orientation.

"Thank you!" Menchi smiled at the polite child and patted her head.

"You're a good kid, go and become a gourmet hunter will you." The child was happy with the headpats.

"Bai! I'm gonna be the best hunter! I will be every hunter in the world!" She waved bye to them as she went off.

"Stay safe."


Y/n jumped and hugged Illumi.

"Illu-Oniisan! Bai Bai!" She squeezed him in a hug as Illumi patted her head a bit.

"Bye for now Y/n. I'll see you again." As Y/n waved bye to Illumi, soon her eyes sparkled at seeing Gon, Kurapika and Leorio.

She ran and jumped onto Gon for a hug.

"Onii-Chan!" She hugged the male, calling him Onii-Chan like her brother.

"Lil sis!" Gon smiled and hugged the female back, also being careful about her arm.

"I'm gonna miss youuu. I have to go with Hiso-Oniisan soon."

As Gon and Y/n slowly stopped hugging and Y/n was put down on the ground. Leorio ruffled her hair.

"Stay safe Munchkin."

"Thank you leo-Oniisan!" Kurapika bend down to the girl's height and hugged her softly and soon pulled away.

"Stay safe..sunshine." He smiled softly at the female, who smiled brightly back, like a sunshine.

"I'll miss you all! Bai Bai!" She waved to them as she skipped off with Mr Oinks and Foxy. "Tell Kil-Oniisan I say bai!"

"Ready to go?" Hisoka hummed at the female as she went to him. She nodded her head.

"Lets go Hiso-Oniisan!"

"It's not Oniichan anymore?"

"No! You lied in the forest so you aren't my Onii-Chan! Gon is my Onii-Chan now!"

"You're so mean Y/n-Chan~ I said I was sorry~"


And the book is finished...




FINISHED SEASON 1 HA! you thought this was over. No it isn't! (unless you are from the future and saw the future chapters then obviously you knew it wasn't over or read the last note in the previous chapter)

This is only season 1 of Onii-Chan. I decided to make each arc a different Season. So Season 2 will be coming soon~

Which is the Heaven's Arena Arc. Which will be the transitional season for Y/n to separate from Hisoka, from a poll vote, and go with Gon and Killua.

Also I'm gonna add a side chapter for just extra information about Y/n and a few cute scenes between Y/n and the characters, along with her reacting to some comments hehe (cuz some made me laugh and I wanna make Y/n react with them)

Thank you for all the support so far on this book with 400 + hearts on Quotev and 13 k + reads on wattpad, with getting it to number 1 on the HunterxHunter tag.

I would have never thought people would have loved this book as much as I loved writing it. This book was really fun to write and I'm excited for season 2 of Onii-Chan to come soon ^^ (Also season 2 will stay in this book and I'm not making another book for season 2)

Questions about the Book will also be answered, if you have any questions about the book, I'll be happy to answer them (with Y/n, Foxy and Mr Oinks joining-)

~ Skypie

Onii-Chan! (HXH x Child!reader) [Editing!]Where stories live. Discover now