chapter 1

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Finn: Is this the last box?
Rachel: *nods* Yeah, I think it is.
Finn: Our own apartment.
Rachel: *hugs him* This is our home Finn.
Finn: I know. *picks her up bridal style* I say we break it in.
Rachel: *laughing* Finn!
Santana: Hows living with Finn?
Rachel: *smiles* Its really good.
Santana: *smirks* I bet.
Rachel: *throws a fry at her* Stop!
Puck: *sits down* What's up?
Santana: Talking about all house breaking Finn and Rachel are doing.
Puck: *looks down* Oh. *swallows* I gotta go. *leaves*
Rachel: San..
Santana: Im sorry. I forgot.
Rachel: Ill talk to him later.
Kurt: I think its so cute that they are living together.
Blaine: Its adorable.
Kurt: Its good that Rachel's still set on New York.
Blaine: What about you? Do you want to go to New York?
Kurt: Only if you do. I got where ever you go. *kisses him*
Finn: How was your day?
Rachel: It was good.
Finn: Your coming to the game tonight right?
Rachel: Of course. Im going to go home to change though.
Finn: *smiles*
Rachel: What?
Finn: Home.
Rachel: Ill see you tonight. *kisses him*
Rachel: Do I look alright? *dressed in jeans and a spare Finn jersey*
Kurt: You look wonderful.
Rachel: *smiles*
Santana: Maybe next year you can be a Cherrio.
Rachel: Maybe.
Kurt: That would be a good experiance seeing you in a cheerleader uniform.
Santana: I bet Finn would like that.
Rachel: Lets get to the field before it starts.
Blaine: I cant believe there loosing.
Rachel: Maybe they can get a score.
Kurt: Theres 20 seconds left.
Rachel: *frowns and looks at the field* I got an idea. *runs to the gate* Coach Beiste.
Beiste: Yeah?
Rachel: Can I please go on the field to see Finn?
Beiste: The games over in 20 seconds, dont you think you can wait?
Rachel: It maight help them get the score they need.
Beiste: *thinks* You better be right. *opens gate*
Rachel: *runs on field*
Finn: Rachel what are you doing?
Kurofsky: Get off the field freak.
Rachel: I wanted to talk to you.
Finn: During the game?
Rachel: I know you must be stressed but I want you to know that I believe in you. *takes his hands* And so does Landon *puts them on his stomach*
Finn: *smiles* He's kicking. I can feel him.
Rachel: *kisses him* Go get us a touchdown. *runs back to her seat*
Kurt: What did you do?
Rachel: Calmed him down.
I looked to the field and saw Finn throw the ball to Noah and he ran more but it seemed like he kept looking back. I looked to the spot where Finn was and he wasnt there. I looked for Finn and saw him at the goal line and Noah threw the ball to Finn which gave them the 3 points they needed. They won the game !

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