chapter 8

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Rachel: Whats this?
Kurt: Your baby shower! *hugs her*
Rachel: You didnt have to do this.
Carole: We wanted to. This is the first Hudson child.
Finn: Ma. *hugs her*
Kurt: *pulls them in*
Mr. Shue: Hey guys.
Rachel: *smiles* Hi Mr. Shue.
Artie: You look like you will pop any minute.
Rachel: *pouts* I dont like being called fat.
Mercedes: Chill diva, your pregnant, not fat.
Santana: Are you having fun?
Rachel: Yeah, I like all of us here together.
Kurt: All but Quinn.
Rachel: *smiles* I didnt even notice.
Finn: *wraps his arms around her* Play nice. *pecks her temple*
Rachel: I am.
Puck: Sorry Im late.
Rachel: Noah! *hugs him*
Puck: Hey mama. *kisses her head* How you feeling?
Rachel: Really good.
Puck: Thats good.
Finn: Rach, can I talk to you real quick?
Rachel: Yeah sure. *follows him outback* What did you need?
Finn: You know how you picked Puck to be the godfather?
Rachel: Yeah..
Finn: I picked the godmother.
Rachel: Thats great! Who'd you pick?
Finn: Kurt.
Rachel: *giggles*
Finn: I know he's not technically a girl but-
Rachel: I think he'd love that.
Kurt: Present time! Ray, come sit down right here in the middle.
Rachel: *sits*
Kurt: Okay now each person is going to hand Rachel the gift they got her.
Santana: *hands her gift*
Rachel: *opens* Wow.
Santana: I stuck to the theme of bathing.
Rachel: Its amazing San.
Mr. Shue: I saw this and I couldnt help myself. *hands it to Finn*
Finn: *opens it and laughs*
Rachel: Now he'll look like his daddy with the vest.
Finn: This is awsome Mr. Shue.
Brittney: *hands it to Rachel*
Rachel: *opens *
Brittney: Its a photo album and piggie bank.
Rachel: Its very cute Britt, thank you.
Puck: *hands her gift*
Rachel: * smiles* This is adorable Noah.
Puck: I try.
Tina&Mike: *hands her gift*
Rachel: * * Look Finn its Pooh.
Mike: We wanted to keep it original.
Kurt: My turn! *hands her gift*
Rachel: * * Kurt you didnt have to buy something this big.
Kurt: I wanted to!
Rachel: Its cute, thanks.
Carole: You might not like mine.
Rachel: Why?
Carole: *goes into basement*
Finchel: *sees *
Rachel: Carole!
Carole: Im sorry! I couldnt resist.
Finn: *walks up to it and runs his hands over it* Its beautiful mom.
Carole: So you like it?
Rachel: Its amazing but so much money!
Carole: Pish posh!

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