𝕋𝕙𝕖 ℂ𝕠𝕟𝕗𝕖𝕤𝕤𝕚𝕠𝕟

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      Nothing could ever go right for Y/N, could it? Not even this thing she's been waiting for since day one of knowing Oikawa. The girl stood still as her eyes trailed up the tall man positioned in front of her best friend, Tooru.

      The purple-jacketed man's eyes were so blank, but aggressive. As he glowered down at Oikawa, Y/N doubted she'd even been noticed yet. Clutching the letter tightly in her hands, her mouth opened slightly to suck in a quiet, quick breath of air before trying to get Oikawa's attention. As her mouth opened, the tall man with hazel eyes diverted his gaze to her.

      His face remained expressionless, but his eyes became so intense and smoldering that the poor girl standing behind Oikawa felt shivers run down her spine. Something about this man irked her. Y/N's brows furrowed a bit. She didn't like how the man had been looking at Oikawa, as if he had done something so horribly wrong. As the two had a silent staring battle, the Aobajohsai captain finally realized that his taller enemy was no longer looking at him. Turning around, his chocolate brown eyes lit up and his perfect lips curled into a cheeky smile.

      "Ah! Y/N~ What are you doing here?"

      The man purred, his eyes flitting to the envelope the girl held clutched tightly in her hand with curiousity. Y/N's breath caught in her throat. Tearing her gaze away from the terrifying and anger inducing man standing behind Tooru, she nervously smiled and placed it behind her back.

      "It's nothing! Just something.... someone... gave to me... for a teacher! Yeah, it's for a teacher, I was supposed to go deliver it.."

      Oikawa's eyes narrowed slightly. Y/N had always been so, so terrible at lying. However, his ever present smile gave nothing away as he nodded and pretended to believe her.

      "But of course! You better go get that delivered now, huh?"

        Nearly stumbling over her own feet, the younger girl nodded quickly, her heart slightly slowing at the fact that Tooru seemed to believe her. Turning on her heel, Y/N made her way down the hall, holding onto the envelope as tight as she possibly could.

The fluffy brown haired captain kept his eyes trained on her until she turned the corner, effectively leaving him and Ushijima alone. Flipping his eyes back to said man, his gaze sharpened as he noticed something.

Ushijima had been watching you leave as well, and an unrecognizable emotion was present in his hazel orbs.

Y/N dashed to the bathroom, heart sore and head pounding. Mentally fighting with herself, the girl was exhausted. Finally making it to the bathroom, she gripped the sink like her life depended on it. Tears clouded her vision as her breath became shaky.

She had been waiting so long. So, so long for this moment. 16 years of watching the one she loved date other girls and silently staying by this side. 16 years of smiles while her heart was shattering. 16 years of unfinished plans and anxiety and worry. It had taken Y/N 16 years to gather the courage to write him a letter. Now it was too late.

Tooru thought the letter was for a teacher. How was she supposed to go up to him and tell him that's she lied to him? Y/N knew how Oikawa hated it when she lied. Ever since they were young, they told each other everything. It was beneficial but also hurt the girl more and more every day as she listened to her male friend gush about his new girlfriend or a cute girl in his fanclub that asked for his number.

Y/N's childhood had been tough, but with Iwaizumi and Tooru it had gone by quickly. The three had all grown up together, and were extremely close because of the amount of time they were around each other. Y/N had even enlisted as the manager for the Aobajohsai boys volleyball team. Ever since they had been kids, the girl had always been in love with Oikawa, and Iwaizumi knew it. He had tried to help her in whatever way possible, but Tooru was too dense.

Looking up and into the mirror, Y/N examined her appearance. Tears stained her reddened cheeks and her (E/C) eyes were glossy. Was this all she would ever be? Everything seemed to end in disaster like this. It's been 16 years now. If her and Oikawa haven't happened by now, and he seemed to have no interest in her romantically, would they ever happen?

A heavy heart accompanied her thoughts as the girl glanced down to the letter that sat on the edge of the sink. Tears had dropped onto the envelope and successfully blurred Oikawa's name that she had written in calligraphy. Deciding there was no point to keeping it in the envelope anymore, the girl took the letter out and reread it.

Dear Tooru,
I'm sure you're probably super confused as to why I gave you this letter. Or maybe I didn't give it to you, maybe I slipped it into your locker or left it on your desk in your house after we hung out. Either way, you obviously have it.
This really is a long time overdue. 16 years, to be exact. I'm sorry it took me so so long to say it. You know me, I have 0 backbone. Remember when I went to signup to be the teams manager and I hid behind you and made Iwaizumi talk to the coach? That was only a year ago, not much has changed haha. You're graduating this year. I'm so scared to be alone without you, Tooru. But, I'm not writing this letter to just whine about how I'm going to miss you. You already know that I will.
I'm writing this letter to tell you I love you, Tooru. I've been in love with you for 16 years. And I'll admit, it's been pretty damn hard. All I want is for you to be happy, because you deserve it. I'll understand if you don't feel the same, I just need an answer. After 16 years of waiting, I don't know how much longer my heart can take it. Whatever choice you make, I'll always stand by you.

Your bestest friend in the Universe,
Y/N ''

With a small smile, Y/N closed the letter and wiped her tears. The girl knew what she had to do. Sticking it in her pocket, she quickly exited the bathroom, and jogged her way back to the gym.

Because of how fast she left, the girl didn't even notice Oikawa waiting for her outside.

Or the letter, softly floating to the ground as it fell from her pocket.

word count: 1134
hello everyone!
i hope you enjoyed chapter one.
this is my first time writing a fan fiction with characters that aren't mine, so pLEASE bare with me if any characters seem ooc and stuff.
i'm gonna try my best to make them as accurate as possibly, while adding my own spin.
thanks for reading!
i'll see you next time!

𝕎𝕣𝕠𝕟𝕘 ℂ𝕙𝕠𝕚𝕔𝕖 (Ushijima x Fem!Reader x Oikawa)Where stories live. Discover now