Chapter 1

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Dominic Valentine👆

'green like American money' -BORNS

You know when you do something fucked up and you don't think about it until it comes back eating your ass ten times bigger, well thats what's going to be happen if I don't get out of here right now.

"Is this all the cash you got,boy?" asked Ray with his stern voice

Ray Bain a 35 year old short man with dull brown eyes that screams greed ,with a face thats round and pudgy ,one ugly mother fucker I say .I keep my face as blank as they come ,but in the inside I'm freaking out like pikachu lost ash ,so I may have take a few bucks from the thick stack of cash .......ok ok maybe half of it .. guilty..but only cause I need it.

"Yes" No I reply firmly, looking at my beat up converse. Me Dominic Valentine is known as errand boy I work in this fuckers gang to earn money ,so I basically collect cash from those who owe him which gets me a huge bucks everytime I do it sooo there's a good thing out of it....So when he needs me I'm his guy ...well not actuall- yknow what I mean, right where were we again ....oh right.

" It's all I got boss I got nothing else" still looking at my shoes, fuck I needa get outta here before he finds out.I finally looked up but quickly regret it.

His fat face tells me he does not believe me oh well heres to a lovely life.

"Alright kid you can go"he said with a sigh giving me half of the stack of cash I gave him I was shocked he bought the lie, I don't know if he left it because I looked like someone that looked like trash itself or because he had an ulterior motive meh who cares more money for me ,so as fast you can say bitch I was outta there.

As I got out of that awful warehouse it was dark, since it auntum it was bit windy just great I thought I pulled my jacket tight around me and speeded through the streets of New York city.As I walked I looked at the different people around me , some people coming from work ,some are tourists and others just randomly walking like they don't give a fuck, and me a lonely 18 year old with too many responsibilities to take care over sigh.

When I got home I stood outside of it ,it wasn't much just a small brick house with too many overgrown grass, the paint job looked like it could see better days , ignoring it I trudged off into the small house and went straight to my mom's room through the hallway and knocked ,but heard nothing so I went in and found her sleeping on the bed .

You see my mom's diagnosed with stage 1 cancer so when my dad found out he fled off with another women and left my mom heartbroken and ill leaving me to fix it up..bastard.Now I'm sitting with too many hospital bills and a heartbroken mother,what a lovely life I thought.

I went beside her and sat on the the edge,I looked at her, my mother is a beautiful women but she looks weaker everyday but she tells me not to worry because she's a big girl ,but I still tend to get worried staring at her I see where I get all my features from, we both share her black hair and pale skin with plump purple pink lips but where she has dark blue eyes I have his dark grey eyes and we both have well defined faces , she is 5.9 slim build women and I'm 6.1 male with a lean muscle built, I jog from time to time.

I move a lock of hair from her face as I do that she stirs awake and rub her eyes she looks around in confusion .

"Landon?" she asks it breaks me when she thinks my dad's still coming back for her.

"No ma it just me"I say with a sigh ,she looks at me and recognised its me she say I look a lot like my farther .bleh

"Oh"she say in disappointment ,I ignore it.

"Where were you I called out but you never came? Are you ohk Dom?"she ask in a worried tone.

"Yes mom I'm ohk don't worry about me I just went on a walk to the park"I lied she looks at me a bit but my face give nothing away.

"Ok but let me know when you go out next time mister"she says in a stern tone.

"Yes maaaa" I said in a whiny tone she giggles a bit it make me smile, she rarely gives any other emotions off now a day's.

"Did you eat?" I ask her she replied by giving me a nod.

"Ok well I'm off to bed , goodnight mom sweet dreams" I give her a kiss on her forehead and get up from the bed.

"Goodnight,honey " she says.I close the door and went to my room at the end of the hallway .

My rooms small with a small dresser and a twin size bed with a small desk in the corner ,the walls were light grey, my favourite part of the room was the window it was big , you could see the back yard but I always liked watching the moon it was peaceful.

Sighing I went to the restroom to shower ,I undressed and turned the knob to the left and soon warm water came splashing down on me .I took the loft and squirt some cherry blossom smelling soap ,washing away all todays dirt away .I got out after twenty min , dried up and changed into sweat pants and random sweater.

I picked up my phone thats on the desk and went to sit on the bed , opened it and checked for any messages but there were none so I went to scroll through my Instagram .I came across picture of Nathan Williams and 18 year old jock of Greenville Highschool, with looks to die for ,with golden blonde hair and blue green eyes and his chiseled face with high cheekbones with a tall body carved by Gods itself hot danmmm , as you can see I'm gay but no one knows not that I care about what people think if me it's just I don't bother with people and no one's asked everyone just assumed I like girls, well bitches I'm gay.

Nathan's the only person that makes me feel hot , believe me I tried but no one could me flustered like he does one look and I'm pudding me! Dominic Valentine the mysterious boy of Greenville Highschool urg.

Ignoring my inner gay thoughts I switch my phone off and plug the charger in. I climb in into bed hoping school will be a fast tomorrow, when my head hits me pillow I'm out as a light.

ohk soooo did u like it or's my for time writing urg I don't knwo if it's goood but hey I tried


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