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This is a story about a group of people that were abandoned by society because they were different and considered to have no magic abilities, they saw things differently and society hated that so they became outcasts, but one day that all changed, a women named Sakasu decided that she would make a place where these outcasts could be at home and be happy, she decided to make a circus, she named it The Outcast Circus and it was like a huge family, everyone was happy, they would do performances with their odd talents and looks, one day Sakasu found a young girl with white hair sitting in an alley cold, hungry, and alone, she had been abandoned by her family so Sakasu took her in as her daughter and raised her to love her unique self and others, she named her new daughter Himistu Kiseki which ment secret miracle, she made many friend there in her new home, they were all so happy, life was perfect for them but, perfect doesn't last forever, one day the children where sent to the market to get food for dinner, the children happily did so happily however, they returned back to their home only to find that their family was killed, the silence was deafening as tears streamed down their faces and screaming was released but not to be heard for the ones they called family lay lifeless on the cold ground surrounded by blood, Himistu decided to take on the role of being in charge, the very young children clung to her side scared and crying, she became their hope after that, the world had forgotten the little family of outcasts so she renamed them, The Forgotten Circus...Years passed and Himistu was in her first year of high school, she made sure that she would look out for her family as they only had each other now.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2020 ⏰

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