you pass out

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You had come down with a pretty terrible case of the flu over the weekend.

To try to ensure that you were getting as much rest as possible, your mom was making you stay in bed. You know your mother is pretty selfless and you know you're really lucky to have her. However, it's been three days that you've been sick now and she has been waiting on you hand and foot and you know she's gotta be tired.

All you needed to do was to go to the bathroom. It was only across the hall and you figured you could make it there on your own with out any problems.

You slowly climbed out of bed and stood on your feet, but you almost fell back down right away. The room was spinning so you tried to make it stop by squeezing your eyes shut, but your head felt heavy and the dizziness didn't ease as you hoped it would.

You could feel yourself swaying and you tried to steady yourself by putting your hands on the mattress and grip the sheets tightly in your hands, but it was useless. You knew you were gonna pass out, and as things began to turn black you yelled out for your mom before you fell onto the floor.

Your mom sat straight up in bed upon hearing you yell out for her. The time on the clock said it was only three in the morning and from the urgency in your voice, she knew something was very wrong.

She jumped out of bed and rushed down the hall to your bedroom. She gasped when she saw you passed out on the floor. "Y/N!" She rubbed your arm, trying to get you to open your eyes. "Honey? Come on, wake up, sweetie!"

Your eyes started to flutter and soon opened, but your mom was taking no chances. She reached for your phone and dialed emergency services, just to be safe.

"Mom?" You panicked slightly, but only for a moment.

"It's okay. I'm having an ambulance come, just to be on the safe side. You didn't try to get up, did you?"

Your silence told her everything she needed to hear.

"You've been taking care of me for three straight days now. I figured you must be tired."

"Oh, honey. I am, but I'd still wake up and get you everything you need in a heartbeat. It's what I'm here for." She said, just as there was a knock on the door downstairs. "Stay here and don't move."

You did as she said. Because, to be honest, you didn't have the strength or energy to try to get up anyway. It still felt as though the room was spinning and the dizzying feeling was making your stomach turn unbearably.

You tried to stay awake, but your eyes felt heavy. Thankfully though, you heard fast footsteps on the stairs before the medics and your mom were by your side in only a heartbeat.

Their words faded in and out. You didn't even register the poke of the needle on your finger or the words that followed. The only thing that alerted you was the mention of the words 'emergency room'.

You opened your eyes, only to find the medics placing you onto the gurney. A little panicked, you started to hyperventilate, but soon calmed down when you saw your mom again and felt the comfort of her hand on your shoulder.

"It's okay, honey. We're only taking you to the hospital to get some fluids back in you. You're dehydrated, that's all. No need to worry about a thing." One of the medics said as they loaded you into the back of the ambulance and closed the door quickly.

Despite the reassurance from the medic, you still felt worried. Especially since your eyes were growing heavy again. But, seeing an opportunity to allay your worries, your mom laid her hand over yours as you laid your head back and involuntarily closed your eyes once more.

The touch of a hand along your arm made you stir from your sleep. It was followed by voices; one familiar, the other more unfamiliar.

You opened your eyes, grateful to find your mom by your bedside. But the more you awoke, the more unrecognizable everything around you seemed to be. There was an annoying beeping sound nearby, following it you noticed that it was the monitor tracking the rhythm of your heart. The room was white; from the walls to the sheet thrown over your body. The bed felt uncomfortable like most hospital beds are.


"Shh." She soothed. "We're only at the hospital. It'll all be okay. Just gotta get some fluids in you. You've been throwing up quite a lot and you're dehydrated." She explained, remembering each and every word that the doctor told her that once made her heart sink in her chest, but now seemed to make her feel more at ease compared to what she worried might've been wrong with you at first.

You felt a pinch in your arm and you looked to find the iv going into your skin. You relaxed when the friendly nurse sent you a small smile and said, "You'll be out of here in no time. I'd say an hour or two, three at the very most."

You nodded, trying to ignore the worrying eyes you know your mom was sending you.

"Mom," You started to say, only for her to shake her head.

"Don't start. It's alright. I just want you to rely on me until you get better. I'm your mother, it's my responsibility to care for you when you're sick so don't ever worry when you feel you need to wake me. Anything to avoid another ride in the ambulance and a trip to the hospital."

You nodded and began to relax now that you knew everything would be okay.

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