Last Detention

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I hop out of my bed and my feet are met with the cold wooden floors, I look and see that Alina has already left for breakfast. I look to Jasmine's bed and see she's still sleeping.

I see everyone else still sleeping so I take this opportunity to get change, I slip on my sports bra and athletic shorts with my last years quidditch jersey, pulling my long blonde hair into a high ponytail.

Today is quidditch practice.

I slip on my running shoes, grab my protective gear and I leave the dorm, shutting the door very loudly so Jasmine wakes up.

I warp my Slytherin rob around me, why is it always so cold down here? I walk down to the great hall waving as I see people.

"Someone's perky this morning." David says as he looks at me.
"I very much am," I grab a piece of toast. "It's quidditch!" I say taking a bite.

"Oh right." Alina rolls her eyes taking a sip of her coffee.
Quidditch usually doesn't start until November but we needed a new seeker so we're starting a few weeks before.

"Anyways, tonight are we studying for the DADA test?" David asks us.
"Sorry can't, I have my last detention with Snape tonight." I say taking another bite of my toast.

"Someone sounds too excited to be going to detention on a Saturday!" Alina looks up form her book to mock me.
"It's because of those twins isn't it." David looks at me.
"Maybe," I sing looking down at my watch "oh would you look at the time! I'll see you later guys." 

I walk out of the great hall and slam into something very hard.
"Adrian!" I say giving him a hug.
"Haha sorry Ali, didn't see you." He says chuckling.

I hate when he calls me 'Ali'.

"You look like your dressed for quidditch." He says looking at my jersey.
"And so do you." I look at his.

"You excited to start this season?" He asks me.
"Of course I am, I heard your beater with me this year?" We walk down to the pitch.

"Yep taking your brothers spot." He announces proudly.
"Uh oh he's not gonna like that." I tease.
"Anything to be with you Ali." He flirts, I shove him.

"Hey Lessie, hey Adrian! Check out these new brooms." Luke says as we walk into the pitch.

"Woah is that a nimbus 2001's?." I look at them in awe.
"Yea it is. My father bought them." I hear a pitchy voice say. Draco. Malfoy.
"Yeah, he's our new seeker, great right?" Luke says excitedly.

Malfoy hands Adrian one and offers one to me.
"Luke uh a word please." I say dragging my brother away from the flashy brooms.

"What." He says simply.
"Do we know if this kids any good? Or are we just letting anyone on our team now?" 
"Look Lessie, we need these. Dad doesn't have enough to buy us new brooms!" He hands me a broom.

"I don't want it," I give it back "it's bribing, just to have his son on the team!" I say looking at Malfoy who is now very proudly handing them out to the others that just joined us.

I see Will walk up accepting a broom. He smiles and point to his new broom nodding, walking over to us.
"Nimbus 2001's! Look at that!" He says looking at his new broom.

"Come on Lessie we need this! We'll be able to win like this!" He hands me a broom again.
"Not fairly, it's cheating." I say declining the broom. Luke frowns

"I'll go get my old broom from the closet." I storm off.

"Stupid Malfoy and his stupid money." I kick things around grabbing my broom clearly labeled. 'Alessia Thounder'

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