35. Home sweet home

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I wake up in my old bedroom sighing. I try to get up but Cameron was all cuddled up behind me making me roll my eyes.

"Come on Alpha." I say to him.

"No." he whines. "Stay in bed with me" I turn to face him as he smiles at me making me smile back.

"What did you and my dad talk about?" I ask.

"Op!" He said getting out of bed quickly. the heat of his body leaves with him instantly making me cold. "the day is wasting get out of bed."

I glare at him as he walks into the bathroom. "You will tell me mister." I run into the bathroom after him. I close the door starting up the shower for him.

"I surely won't my lady." he says smirking as he starts to strips and I watch him with my arms folded and an eyebrow raised.

"Fine." I huff filling up the tub that was next to the shower, up with hot water as I drop bubbly soup in it.

"What are you doing?" Cameron smirks.

"Wanna play with fire." I tell him stripping. "And you get burned."

"Oh my gosh." he laughs. "So I see that you're upset."

"Okay." I take off my clothes before disappearing in the water.

"Ugh!!" He groans before getting in the shower.

I sink in the tub as I feel the hot water work it's wonders on my tense muscles as the stress seems to fade away.

"Deja." I hear Cameron voice as I peak up and he smiles. "you been in here for like an hour."

"Oh." I sit up as he hands me a towel helping me out the tub. he is fully dressed and I look at him weirdly.

"What?" He laughs.

"What are you dressed up for?"

"Going on to meet some people with your father."

"Like?" I question as he shrugs. I hate being left in the dark. "whatever. go away."

"Kitten." Cam whines grabbing my waist bringing us closer. "I'll tell you when time is right, okay?"

I glare at him and sigh. "fine."

"Can I get a kiss before I go?" He ask. I smile nodding.

"Love you."

He smiles widely collecting me into his arms "love you too."


I get dressed going down the stairs greeted by Levi, Liam and Landon.

"Baby!!" Liam exclaims hugging and kissing all. Over my face.

"Hey guys." I say as they all hug me.

"Oh how is it with your mate?" Levi ask.

"It's awesome." I smile as he smiles back.

"Good. because I thought I had to maybe murder someone." Landon smirks.

"Not yet." I laugh as he shrugs.

"That's good enough."

"I miss you guys." I smile.

"Then come back." Liam pouts.

"I could never leave Cameron." I tell him.

"Liam still haven't had the experience of having a mate." Landon says.

"It's okay." Liam smiles slightly. "even if I spend most of my day keeping busy."

"Aw." I hug Liam. "that's so sad. She's out there, don't worry."

"Oh a little family reunion." I turn to William.

"How the fuck is he here?" I exclaim.

"I don't know, but you aren't suppose to be here." Landon growls.

"Chill. I'm only here for Deja" he smiles widely.

"No." Liam growls as Levi steps up to William.

"I suggest you leave." Levi says calmly.

"I suggest you give me what I want." he says just as calm then holds up Marcus. " or he gets it."

"Okay." I say. "Landon take Marcus, I'll go."

"No way." Landon says.

"My baby brother isn't getting hurt because of me." I growl accidentally using my Lina voice on him. He nods taking Marcus before Williams snatches me dragging me out the house.

He had the pack house surrounded. "we will get help." I heard Liam yell before everything went black.

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