"Amelia" I heard Mosey say as I turned around. "yes" I said sniffling looking at the door." its 1 pm. wanna come eat?" he said walking towards my bed." no" I said pulling the covers over my head." come on please. you're not gonna waste the precious water in your body over him" he said pulling the covers off of me and picking me up." let me down" I said smacking him."no and get ready" Mosey said putting the toilet cover and setting me down." there's towels in the closet and your suitcase is right there." he said turning the shower on and walking out.
after the shower
thank you Mosey.Let's just say I needed a shower."mood swingsss" I sung screaming." shut up Amelia" Mosey yelled." nooo" I screamed grabbing my purse and my phone.
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"oh hey guys" I said walking downstairs seeing the bandkids."hey" they all said. "whatca doing" I said sitting on at the island." nothing" Mosey said as my phone rang."hey sis" I said as Gracie called me."I need help" she said and I started panicking." where do you keep your extra pads at?" she asked and I sighed." in the closet in my bathroom. It's in the 2nd shelf" I said." oh okay thnaks byeeee" she said hanging up."everything good?" mosey asked."yeah she just needed something." I said not wanting to tell him my sister needed pads."alrighty bye boys. I gotta go" I said grabbing my purse and walking out.
Bryson's Pov
"daddy where's Amelia?" Clover asked as I fed her oatmeal."she's gonna be gone for a little" I said." whyyy?" she asked." I don't know" I yelled making her jump. I reliazed what I did and hugged her."I'm sorry baby" I said kissing her head."thank you" she said as the doorbell rang. I opened the door and seen Amelia." Ameliaaa" Clover yelled running to her." hi baby" she said hugging her." can we talk?" I asked." that's what I came over to do" she said and I told Clover to go to her playroom." uh hi" I said." Bryson I seen the full video. I'm so sorry I didn't let you explain and I'm so stupid" she rambing so I kissed her."It's not your fault okay" I said and she kissed me again."Clover" she yelled and CLover ran in." wanna go get ice cream?" she asked and Clover jumped up and down."yesss" she said and ran to put her shoes on.
"um I want cookies and cream" Clover said." do you wanna make it?" Amelia asked and Clover's fave glew up." yessss" Clover said jumping up and down." hey tio" Amelia said hugging an about 60 year old man." hi Amelia. what's up" he asked hugging her back." we wanna make ice cream" she said asked and he smiled." alrighty let's go" he said opening the door to the back."look Clover" Amelia said pointing at all the ice cream flavors." woah is this heaven" she said and we all laughed."Mines so good" Amelia said licking the spoon."mines better actually" I said in a sassy tone. "can I try some?" she asked. I passed her tha spoon and she ate it." eww mint chocolate chip" she said and stuck her tongue out."let me try yours then" I said and she passed me a spoon."you had all those choices and you chose chocolate chip cookie dough" I said and she rolled her eyes." yup its better than mint" she said and we laughed. I looked at Amelia and her beautiful brown eyes. How did I almost lose this beautiful girl? "daddy" Clover sai tapping my leg."yes baby" I said and she rubbed her eyes." I'm tired" she said yawning." alright bye tio. love you" Amelia said and hugged him." when are you leaving?" he asked." this weekend" she said and I looked at her." oh okay baby. I love you and be safe" he said as we walked out.
~at home~
"come on baby. we're home" I said grabbing Clover out of her car seat." Amelia" Clover said and Amelia came over." yes baby" she asked taking her." can you read me a bedtime story" she asked and Amelia nodded and took her upstairs." ok what movie we watching? "Amelia asked as she came back downstairs." something scary" I said and she looked at me." nope nope nope" she said." I wanna watch Frozen 2" she said and i rolled my eyes." I seen that with Clover 10 times" I said and Amelia grabbed the remote." I. Don't. Care." she said and put it on." ok whatever" I said and hugged her. In 10 minutes, I heard snoring. I laughed and picked her up." goodnight baby" I said putting her in my bed." goodnight" she said and cuddled me. Lord I love this girl.
~Stevie Speaks~
Sorry this took so long. Ugh. I've had terrible writers block so comment some ideas.