Maid Cafe

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[this is now edited/rewritten, my fingers are so sore]


Dream, George and Sapnap decided to go to a Maid Cafe for a one day job experience. They had to dress up in maid outifts to work. Why not dress up in butler outfits? Ask the fucking maid café owner.

"So, any of you excited for this?" Sapnap asked.

"No. I am NOT excited for this Sapnap. This is the most stupidest idea ever." George scoffed.

"I'm sure you're excited for 'something' in your mind." Sapnap said smirking.

George then turned around to look at Dream who's chuckling. Dream then smirked at him right after that. George just turned away and blushed. Sapnap was just laughing in the back. 

"Get out of the car. We're here." Dream said.

George and Sapnap got out of the car. George was shocked at how big the maid café was. When they went inside, there were a few maids in there preparing for opening. One of the maids came up to him. 

"Hi! I assume you guys are the people who's here for a one day job experience?" The maid asked.

"Yes we are." George said. 

"Great to see you guys early! Come, follow me inside." The maid said bringing them inside.

Dream, George and Sapnap followed the maid that greeted them. George seemingly excited for this. Dream was only excited for this because of his 'plans' that he was gonna do later. Sapnap just seemed chill. The maid lead them to the back of the café.

"You guys can change here. We never really had any boys here so there's only maid outfits. Hopefully you guys are fine with that!" The maid said.

"We're fine with that right guys?" Sapnap asked.

George nodded and Dream just shrugged. The maid went out to let them change. They changed into the maid outfits that were prepared for them.

"We look ridiculous. Why did I agree with this..." Dream sighed.

"First, we look magnificent. Second, you agreed with this because George wanted to come." Sapnap said.

"Whatever..." Dream said.

George looked at Dream smiling. Dream smiled back. God, he looks hot as fuck. After that, they went back to where the maid was. The maid was standing outside waiting for them to be done. 

"Oh you're all done! Come, I'll show you guys where you're working at!" The maid said wuth excitement.

They all followed the maid. Dream and George were in charged of serving the customers. Sapnap was in charged of the cleaning. (AHA SUCK IT) 

"Why am I in charge of cleaning..." Sapnap frowned.

"Unlucky." Dream chuckled.

Dream and George then went to their positions while Sapnap started moping the floor. Dream served customers fake smiling because he didn't like this job but he didn't have a choice. George on the other hand, was really enjoying doing his job. He liked the outfit too since he's kind of a femboy. (Femboy Gogy, PogChamp)

Dream kept staring at George, staring at how hot he looked in that maid outfit, staring at how his ass fits so well in that outfit, thinking if he bought one for George to wear that every day what would happen. He had a smirk on his face the whole time.

George noticed how Dream was looking at him. George blushed when he realized where Dream was looking at. He just continued what he was doing and ignored the fact that Dream was staring at him and his ass.

After a few hours of work, it has come to an end. (As in the maid cafe has closed-) Dream, George and Sapnap finished their job and had a bit of rest. Dream sat down and thought what he will do when they got back home later. He can't wait to have fun.

"If you guys want to keep the outfits, you can keep it. We have plenty of outfits." The maid said.

Dream looked at George smiling, it like a sign to tell George to keep the outfit and bring it back home. George wanted to keep it anyways so he wore it until they were home. Sapnap and Dream gave back the outfits to the maid. Afterwards, they all went back into the car and went back home. Dream being really hard before even reaching home. I mean, he had been hard the whole time.

When they reached home, Sapnap quickly ran inside into his room. Why? He knew bad stuff was going to happen very soon. Dream and George went in right after. George looking very nervous but excited at the same time. Dream smirking on the way inside. When they got inside, Dream immediately pushed George onto a wall. George's eyes widened with shock, worry and a bit of excitement.

Smut here :D (I'm still questioning why I write warnings AAAAAAAAAA)

Dream kissed George on the lips. George kissed back immediately right after. Dream bit George's bottom lip. George was shocked when Dream did that and that was just enough time for Dream's tongue to slip into George's mouth. His tongue touched the insides of George's mouth.

Suddenly, their tongues met with each other, making George moaned softly into the kiss. Dream smirked, his hands were on George's hips. They stopped kissing to catch some breath, only a string of saliva was still connecting their lips together. Dream started planting hickeys on George's sensitive neck. George was moaning softly.

"mHM~" He moaned out.

He continued giving loves bites to George's neck. Kissing from his neck till his v-line. Making George a moaning mess. He then stopped.

"I'll be back I need to grab something real quick." Dream said.

George whined but still nodded. Dream went into his room grabbing something that is probably lube. He came out after a minute. George smiled, he was happy seeing Dream finally came back out. Dream then took off both of their clothes, piling it into a corner.

"So, are you ready~" Dream asked seductively.

"Y-yes." George said.

Dream then flipped George over, making his ass face him. He slid two of his fingers inside of George's ass and started scissoring it.

George on the other hand was a moaning in pleasure. Dream then took out his fingers after a while, making George whine. Dream took the lube once again, lubing his dick in front of George. Groaning could be heard from the taller man. George wanting Dream's dick inside of him, filling him with his cum. 

Dream finished lubing his dick. He lined up his dick against George's ass. He then looked at George. George gave a small nod of assurance.

"Use you words. You're not a mute." Dream said.

"I-I'm ready. Just fuck me~" George said impatiently.

After George said that, Dream quickly pushed his dick inside of George's ass. George moaned out loudly. Dream started thrusting in and out with a fast pace, making George moan out louder and louder. George only felt pleasure and he ignored the pain. 

Dream keeps hitting George's prostate over and over again. Not long after George came all over the floor, the wall and his own stomach. Dream came after a few more thrusts. 

They were breathing heavily and panting. Dream got up and went to get some wet tissues to clean the mess up. George almost fell asleep because of tiredness. Dream came back with the wet tissues and started cleaning the mess up. 

"You should probably go to the bedroom before you fall asleep here." Dream said.

"Okay..." George said yawning.

"Let me carry you back to your bed." Dream said.

Dream then carried George on his back and to walked to his bedroom. He placed George down on the bed gently. Soft snoring could be heard not long after. Dream chuckled and went back into his room.

Hello again people who's reading this book. I might just go on a break of writing lmao. My eyes hurt from staring at my laptop for almost a day. I'm just gonna hope there isn't anything grammarly/spelled wrong. Gonna go sleep now. 

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