11 - Deepthroat

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this is going to be an almost proper r-rated chapter... enjoy

I'm really subtle with the title names aren't I

(Tw: heavy dominance)


The rest of the night felt long, thinking about Edward on my bed made it hard for me to sleep. His body had been touching these blankets only a few short hours before. I stared up at my ceiling though the darkness. I wished he would just come in through the window again right now.

I needed some way to contact him. It was too hard waiting for him to come to me every time. I just hoped that he would actually want to keep coming to me. I still had a lot to think about from earlier, I felt like I needed to create a mental inventory of Edward to keep everything straight.

Asshole lab partner, grabbing the wrists, tornado drill, the first kiss, stopping the car crash, learning he was a vampire in the woods, our second kiss, the book store, him telling me to stay away, him coming into my room, telling me all the vampire stuff, kissing me again... on this bed.

There was a lot to think about, I felt like with Edward there would always be a lot to think about. Partly because he is a vampire, partly because he's a jerk. I felt like I was going crazy, I thought about him all the time. And now, because of our moment tonight, it was even harder to take my mind off of him. To take my mind off of the feeling of his hands gripping my ass and pulling me closer. Fuck.

I laid there for a while longer, silently hoping that he would be at my window again.


I felt like I was in a dream walking into chemistry on Monday morning. The weekend had been so eventful and it seemed like I was controlling my body but not fully in it. I was simply floating around the ceiling, forcing these legs to take steps.

I sat down on my stool and rested my arms on the cool tabletop. My classmates soon started filtering in, I tried to not seem too eager waiting for Edward. My eyes scanned the face of everyone who walked in, my head moving from side to side trying to see the next face from behind the previous.

After a few minutes, the flow of people decreased to zero. And then the bell rang. No Edward. I felt uneasy and weird. I kept glancing over at the door, hoping to finally see that tall figure walk through the door. He had been happy last night, right? He liked me, right? I started to chew my lip a bit, my anxiety-induced quick heartbeat pounding away in my chest.

I couldn't pay attention for the rest of the class, everything seemed to require too much focus. Focus that I didn't have because all of my thoughts were stuck on one stupid boy. One stupid boy who probably didn't give as many fucks about me as I gave about him. I wish I could block him out of my mind and close off my feelings, turn my heart to stone. The more I thought about things the more worried I was that I had been reading too far into everything, maybe Edward didn't feel any connection to me.

No, he did. He was addicted to the scent of my blood, he wanted to kill people for me. The thought of him being protective of me sent a rush of sensation throughout my body. Suddenly, the bell rang, signaling the end of class and breaking out of my Edward daze.

When I left the classroom, I finally saw him. He was standing at the end of the hallway right in the middle, just standing there. His legs were in a wide stance and he was staring straight at me, his eyes piercing and dark. I started towards him, it felt like everything was in slow-motion. Nobody else mattered, it was just me and him.

Light streamed in from the window behind him outlining his tall silhouette. He began to move towards me, I felt my legs go weak. God, he looked fucking immaculate.

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