Chapter 1: Perfect new memorise

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August 13, 1939 (10:00 AM)
New York Naval shipyard office's

Count Ciano returns from Germany generally convinced that Germany has decided on war and will not restrain the will of Germany's path to all out war.

A man sits and works endlessly on blueprints of a new kind of battleship. Sweat dripping down his cheek, he decided to turn to a different station so he reached his arm over the desk to turn the dial on the radio, trying to find anything that was not talking about politics around the world.

Turning the dial a couple of times, he finally found a radio station. They were just introducing the next song: "Ladies and gentlemen, the next song we are going to play for you is Over the Rainbow. Please enjoy."

While the music starting to play you could hear the echoes of the mans thumb tapping on the desks, glancing over the blueprint one last time. After looking over the blueprints the main grab a cigar pack from his pocket, he lights the end of cigar burning away the layers of the cigar burning until the end turn gray smoke coming out. The men inhales the cigar substance and puts the cigar in the cigar tray, he then exhale from his mouth three black clouds of smoke.

Then there was a knock on the door " May i come in Tom " a female voice called.

The men look at the photo while saying " you may come in Alice your not disturbing me " he says calmly still looking at a photo with Tom's hand on his son while he is holding certificate saying gratulation's you complete first grade.

The door open's to reveled a female with an ocean blue dress with white strip crossing the dress, her blond hair reflects in the bright sun. She walks towards the desk and final asking " morning Tom, are you nervous for you big meeting today?" She asks Tom very politely.

Tom answer " No not really Alice, I stayed up all night finishing the warship model" turning his head and pointing his finger over to another desk with something large on it with a cloth over it. He then responded " With these advanced ships we could be king of the sea" he says turning his head back to stunning beauty. He opens his mouth to say " war might be showing it ugly face, Germany had made a deal with the devil that will cost more lives then ww1" he says biting his lip.

Alice show concerned eyes toward Tom while he looks aggravated with thoughts of war cloud his mind " you know you can't worry about that, humans can't hold the keys to the future door" she says showing a warming smile that is pure then a child.

Tom looks at Alice sincere smiling face he then starts to laugh " pst thanks for cheering me up " as he couldn't stop giggling. Alice looks at him as if he is child that was told a funny joke she start giggle to when she said " your welcome" Tom giggling looks at the clock and full fear entered body he stood up quickly and grab his warship model. Alice was confused and final spoke up saying " what's wrong Tom what's the rush for?" Tom almost out the door of his office turn his head and said " my meeting starts in three minutes and I been talking so long, I can't be late for this meeting, so bye" Tom spoke while running to the meeting office.

Alice just sighed knowing that Tom is never late in important meeting but some how he lost track of time for this meeting.

Tom walks quickly towards a hallway full of people, on the left side of the hallway a woman pass by carrying a stack of papers. On the right side two men speaking who's playing on a Sunday.

At the end of the hallway was a black jet door with a sliver sign with the word of "meeting room"that reflecting Toms figure coming closer to it.

Tom took a deep breath knowing this moment can lead into the future of battleship and will hopefully be the greatest of all of them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2023 ⏰

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