Shards - Reflected With Blue

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Shards - Relected With Blue

By P.J.Elizabeth

*All Rights Reserved*

I dedicate this to Elise and Hannah, Thank you for your support!



My mother told me the stories. The warnings as my father preferred to call them, about the reflection in the mirror and of the boy who stole them. We only had one mirror and it stayed in the basement covered with a sheet. I was forbidden to enter the basement, the door was always locked and fear would grip my heart whenever I passed it.

Father was the only one allowed in the basement to collect firewood. When I asked him why, he had told me it was because he was immune from it. Mother hated when father referred to the boy as 'it'; she said he was harmless. Yet she herself never dared venture into the basement.

I will never forget that winter night when father had left us at home to travel to the city in search of new coats. No sooner had he left, mother ran to their bedroom and began to rifle through the drawers in search of something. I recall mother drinking on that night and she had gained a strange look in her eyes. She had been in such a daze that she hadn't noticed my curious stare from the lounge. I watched, as she emerged a few minutes later, holding the small globe that father used to unlock the basement.

'Mother, what are you doing? Father said it isn't safe for us. Don't you remember what he said about that thing?' I had asked, my voice becoming higher from anxiety. My mother had sneered, 'Your father knows nothing! He is only a little boy!' with that she turned and opened the basement door, disappearing into darkness.

Once she'd gone the house was silent. An eerie silence that had left me with goose bumps, even as I'd put myself to bed. What scared me the most was what happened after my father had arrived home. He had rushed around the house and his heavy footsteps had woken me up. I'd heard the familiar sound of the basement door being opened and then my dad had yelled in pain. It was in that moment that I realised my mother had been taken. Just like in the stories.


Hello! I got this idea when I was doing some creative writting in English and decided to give it a shot and see if anyone actually liked it. I will be updating over the holidays when I get time so it will be completely random when I post and you will just have to be patient.

Please Rate, Comment, Fan etc I don't know just do something! Thanks for reading!

The cover was made by me but the photos used to make make it are not mine and I take no claim to them.

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