I didn't think of that

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He was in deep sleep but he missed her warmth. He turned around to hug his wife, to smell her beautiful hair scent but all he found was Tesla and his thick fur.

He sits up disorientated and looks around.

"Ezgi?" he asks but no answer. She was feeling dizzy when they've gone to bed earlier and now he's actually worried of her well being. And the baby's well being.

It's like Tesla sensed how agitated Ozgur is. He storms out of the room and he barks. Ozgur follows him more out of instinct.

And there she was. All fine, standing at their patio looking at the stars as always. Her baby bump was barely seen under her thin pyjamas but he spotted it immediately.

He lets out a breath he didn't know he was holding and he goes to her.

"You know that it's cold out there right?" He says with a chuckle when he sees her jumping from surprise.

"And you do know that my hormones are driving me nuts this week so..." she moves her finger to his lips to silence him as he wraps his arms around her waist.

"Yeah, I think everyone knows that considering that today you threaten Ozan with a chef's knife if he didn't give you his souffle immediately." He pinches her nose and she moves away laughing.

"It was a great souffle and by the way your kid wanted it not me." She turns her back on him, pretending to be mad and when she looks over her shoulder he's gone.

'He can't be mad at me right? I'm the pregnant one here. I'm the one who's always right. At least for the next six months...' she thinks but then she feels something warm covering her shoulders and his hands are cradling her small belly.

"Yes baby, you are always right. Now do you care to tell me why you are out here in the middle of the night?"

She takes a deep breath before she speaks "The dizziness wasn't going away and I thought that some fresh air would help. And then you showed up."

"And you didn't think of waking me up... I see..." Ezgi can't see his face but she can tell that he pouts like a baby he is.

She smiles and she turns her face to look at him. "I didn't wake you up because you have to open the bar early today. I always want you to be near us and you know it." She says and kisses his cheek softly.

"Okay, fine." He says and just like that he's back to his old self. "But if you feel better I truly think that we should go inside. It's getting really chilly here my life."

She turns to face him and the blanket drops off her shoulders. Her fingers clutch his t-shirt and she brings him down for a kiss. "But now that you are here... I mean your daughter does like being outside..."

"Don't use my baby girl asan excuse. Plus you do know that she won't be allowed to leave the house alone until she's twenty right? Maybe thirty? I'll think about it." Ezgi laughs and she just hugs him really tight. He breathes her scent in and suddenly everything is fine in the world.

"Okay let's go inside." She says and takes his hand in hers to lead in him in their bedroom. She tosses the blanket over the couch.

"But you do know that she's your kid right? I mean half yours half mine but still..." her smirk tells him that she doesn't mean well.

"Yeah so?" He asks innocently.

"So my lovely teddy bear..." she wraps her arms around his neck, "she may want to party, flirt..." and then she stops. His eyes are unreadable as he processes all the information she just gave him. And then he knees down and he starts talking to her belly.

"Ok little lady, dad here. I want you to listen to me very carefully." Ezgi tries to hold back her laugh as Ozgur continues talking to the fetus.

"I forbid you to be like me. Well past me, but genes are evil little things so... Anyway. You will be a little angel just like your mom." Another abrupt stop and he looks up at Ezgi who's barely holding it together now.

"But you are no angel either..." He whispers and she breaks. She laughs hysterically and when she looks at Ozgur's scared face she laughs even more.

She's getting on her knees as well and takes his face in her palms. "You do know that with her you will repay all your past sins right?"

He shakes his head slowly as reality sets in. "Maybe it should be a boy... Doc said he's not sure yet..."

"Whatever it will be you will love it and pamper it till no extend. That I'm sure of. Can we go to bed now?" she asks softly and caresses his bearded cheek.

"Yes but if the doctor says that it's a girl tomorrow we will have some serious conversations."       

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