Part 1

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You closed your eyes and took a deep breath before you stepped foot into your new school.

Transferring schools in junior year was most definitely not ideal, especially with college entrance exams coming up, but a job opportunity popped up in this area and your dad just couldn't resist. You had both decided that moving would be a great chance to start fresh.

With your mom gone and all, that is. 

The corridors were heavily crowded, a change from your old high school in the countryside that was nearly empty. Your eyes wandered over the unfamiliar faces that gazed over you, the new student.

You found your way to the cafeteria, which also served as an assembly room when needed. Other students were shuffling their ways in and out, their eyes searching for their friends. You clutched your canvas backpack tightly and struggled your way into the room, the air stinking of hormonal teenagers and their body odor.

You found a chair to sit in on the side, not too in front but not so far back where you wouldn't be able to see the speaker. The principal; Ms. Tsunade, walked onto the stage with a microphone, and soon enough the room quieted down. She talked about the usual things principals talk about at school assemblies, and then it was time for the grade level representatives to deliver their speeches. You didn't bother listening to the freshman and sophomore speeches; they didn't concern you. It was when the junior representative came up when you really started paying attention. So, you wondered, who was the leader of your grade? From your experience, there were two types of grade-level representatives. 1: the person who was the teacher's pet. They usually ran because they genuinely wanted to. Simple concept, decent people, although they could be quite annoying sometimes. The second type was the one who only got voted because they were popular. Pretty self-explanatory.

The second their head came into your view, you knew it was the latter. His face said it all. He had black hair that framed his light structured face, and cold but powerful eyes that screamed dominance. He was handsome, anyone could see that. 

He stepped up to the podium and introduced himself like everyone else, although it wasn't like everyone else had done. "Sasuke Uchiha. Grade 11 representative. I don't know, just do well on your tests this year I guess." With that, he casually walked off the stage. His hair fluttering with his smooth gait. Your mouth had opened a bit. You knew the popular kids weren't the best at this stuff, but that was something else. You could hear low whispering and the high-pitched squeals of girls of all ages talking about him. About how hot he looked. 

You scoffed, unimpressed by his elitist manner. One hour into your new school and you already felt like this was some kind of TV drama. 

--after the assembly--

Walking into your first period (well, actually second since the assembly took up first period) you heard the loud chattering of teenage boys and girls, excited to see their friends again after a long Summer break. You find a seat near the window in the third row and begin to unpack your backpack when a boy with bleached blonde spiky hair approaches you with a bounce in his step.

"Hey y/n! I'm Naruto, I'm so glad we get to be in science class together!" He grins extra-wide, and you can tell it's genuine. You tilt your head a bit, "How'd you know my name?" you ask, not bothering to care if you sound rude. Naruto doesn't seem to mine, his smile unfaltering. "Everyone's talking about it! Nearly everyone knows there's a new student, I mean, it's not every day someone new comes to our school." Great, you sarcastically think, I planned on staying low the first day but I guess that's not gonna work out now. You smile back at him, not wanting to give off a bad first impression (although it seems like Naruto is not one to care about such things).

Slowly, other students in your class begin to approach and introduce themselves to you. They all have a perky thing about themselves. A bright girl Sakura, has pink hair. And another boy, Neji, has waist-length hair, although it suits him extremely well. You've met everyone in your science class at this point, except for one person. Sasuke Uchiha.

A bunch of people surrounds his desk while he looks unbothered. He acts as if he doesn't care, but you know he's the type of person to enjoy the attention. You decide to introduce yourself to him.

"Hey, I'm y/n. I'm new, nice to meet you" You stick your hand out to him, and he looks at it then glances away. You sigh and decide to talk to Naruto while you're there, refusing to get embarrassed by a narcissist like him.

The teacher walks in and everyone returns to their desks as the lesson begins.

The day flies by as you buzz by your other classes, meeting new people each time. Everyone is relatively friendly, and you found it pretty easy to fit in. The last bell of the day rings and you decide to walk through the hallways to explore the large compound. You walk across the courtyard to the other building, which is used for clubs and other extracurricular activities. You notice that the sky begins to get a bit darker, the pale blue transforming into a deep red. Beautiful

You wanted to finish exploring before heading home though, so you walked up the old staircase to the top floor of the building and walk by the last classrooms. They look the same as the main compound, except for the slightly older walls where the paint peels in the corner. The desks and chairs are a bit outdated as well, but other than that the layout is the same, making it efficient for you to find your way around. 

You're just about to leave when you hear a loud crash coming from the other end of the hallway. You peer your head from around the corner to see a few papers cluttered on the floor that had come out of the doorway of a classroom next to it. You had thought you were alone.

You didn't get scared very easily, so rather you were more curious. Perhaps it was a stray cat?

"Hello?" You ask, your voice echoing against the sterile walls. "Is anyone there?" You walk slowly down the hallway and reach the end of it. You poke your head into the classroom and see a few of the chairs and desks flipped over. You slowly back out of the room, not wanting to get involved in whatever fight or conflict had happened. You're almost out of the classroom when you hear heavy breathing, the breaths unsteady. Your inner instincts force you to walk back in, and you look for the cause of the sound, only to see someone sprawled out in the corner of the room on the cold, tiled floor.

You rush over to help, worried someone might be hurt. "Excuse me! Hello? Are you hurt" You get close enough and recognize the jet-black hair and porcelain face. "Sasuke?" You exclaim, wondering what he's doing here passed out. You shake him for a while, his body not responding.

Suddenly, his eyes open, a scarlet red infusing them, different from the dark ones you had seen just a couple of hours ago. He looks up, his eyes averting around him like a wild animal. His eyes finally land on you, and you're close enough to see a faint trail of blood outlining his lips, just before he launches himself at you.

"AH! SASUKE!" You scream, him on top of you as your back hits the floor. Sasuke's face searches your body when his eyes eventually land on your neck. His hands are on your shoulders, firmly holding you down while he straddles you as you squirm. You continue to shout at him, unsure of what has overcome that cool, unbothered personality of his. You're about to scream his name again when he leans close to you, his nose inches away from yours, and you become silent. Is he going to kiss me? What the hell. He leans even closer to you, and you can feel his unsteady breath against your face and neck. He's going to kiss me. You close your eyes, not knowing what was happening but embracing the moment. You feel Sasuke's hands loosen up a bit on your shoulders and you know he's about to place his lips onto yours. Your body relaxes and even becomes calm.

Crunch. Crunch...? You flutter your eyes open to see that Sasuke's lips aren't on yours, but in between your neck and shoulder, his teeth digging into your soft flesh as you feel blood pour out, staining your shirt.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2020 ⏰

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