Part 1

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"What a bad end" Justin shakes his head after he witness a scene where his uncle Jiang just whipped a guy to death with a deadliest whiplash

"You will do this to your enemies in the future. So you need to know about this whiplash before hand" Jiang Cheng rolls his eyes and orders the guys to clean up the messes that he made a moment ago

"Do I need to do it though?" Justin asks

"Your mother is Luna. The most powerful woman in mafia world so be prepare before hand. She needs someone to be her heir. We can't let the little crow be her heir right?" Jiang Cheng asks the younger boy as he keep the whiplash into a cabinet

Justin blinks his eyes and thought for awhile. His uncle is not wrong, Fanxing can't kill people. Scratch that, its not that he can't kill people but Fanxing always feels scares when he needs to kill so he just let his brother to do it.

"Jiujiu, why do I need to be the heir?? I mean jiejie can do it!" Justin shrugs 

"You mean Yirou??? Nope, your mother make her to go to school which I can confirm that she will becomes the school gangster" Jiang Cheng shrugs

Justin once again can't deny the truth, his "sister" Yirou can beat people to death. She is unknown to the mafia world cause his mother decide to make her as a secret weapon. But his sister's fights abilities is higher than him which make him think that Yirou is the one who will take over THE UNTAMED CROWS in the future.

"What do you think?? can you take over this untamed crows in the future??" Jiang Cheng asks, furrowing his eyebrows

"I don't know, I think so??" Justin shrugs his shoulders 

"Forget about it. Let's go back to the main place. Fanxing already wait for us there" Jiang Cheng smile and drag Justin with him

"Aren't Fanxing with Jin Ling and Jingyi?" Justin ask as he grab his baseball bat

"He did but Fanxing wants to see you so don't protest"


"Jie, what are you up to really?" Wuxian ask, sighing

"What do you think then?" Luna ask her little brother back while spinning on her swivel chair

"You want to destroy someone? Your eyes tells me that you want to murder someone" Wuxian shrugs

"Tell me which school Yirou attend"

Wei Wuxian thought for awhile and look at his sister suspiciously. His sister never look like this before. Murderous eyes.

"I think Mei Fang High School" he answers

"Send the guys there, some bitch dare to hurt my daughter. They didn't know what the consequences" Luna glares

"I'm not part of The Untamed Crow jie.. You can tell Xichen or Xiao Xingchen about this" Wuxian shrugs

"Just tell Xiao Xingchen to finish them all and bring Yirou back. Not even one escape" Luna command

Wei Wuxian could only obey and nods his head. He left the room and immediately go to Xiao Xingchen office to report the orders from his older sister.

"Wei Wuxian, it's rare to see you in this company" Xiao Xingchen mocks the older

"Shut up and listen to me" Wei Wuxian sigh and plop down infront of the younger guy

"My sister asked me to tell that send some guys to Mei Fang High School. A group hurt Yirou so she asked you to finish them all"

"Yirou? Aren't like she's the one who is almost same level as Xue Yang? Why someone hurt her?" Xiao Xingchen ask confuses

"They maybe tricked her. So go now before my sister murder someone for real" Wuxian sighs

Xingchen nods his head and order the guys to go to the school immediately quickly. It's an order from their lady boss.

"Done, so how about The Black Crows?" Xingchen asks

"As usual, I'm working on some hacking. I want to hack an important overseas company" Wuxian smirks

"I wonder what companies are those" Xiao Xingchen shrugs and lean his back to the swivel chair

"You will know it soon"

"Yeah yeah, anyway did you check the whole The Black Crows?" Xingchen ask

Wei Wuxian looks puzzles for awhile. What's wrong with The Black Crows? Everything is perfect right?

"What about it?" he furrow his eyebrow

"The White Hat Hacker branch will visit The Black Crows soon" Xingchen shrugs

"The White Hat? Aren't that also part of The Black Crows?" Wuxian ask, still in confusion

"Indeed, but this branch is from Korea. Luna wants to gather up all The Black Crows members in different countries. So you as the director for main crows must do something. I know some of the Korean White Hat originally from China but despite for living too long in Korea, they don't really familiar with China. So I want you to handle that" Xingchen smile

"Hm, alright. I'll handle that. Who's the lead?"

"Wei Zhen. He will lead the members. Your brother did a good job actually" Xingchen shrugs

"Alright. I'll talk to Wei Chen about this" Wuxian nods his head

"Wuxian, I heard that Huaisang secretly open a faculty? A science faculty?" Xingchen ask

"Yeah, I just let him to do so cause he also a family member. Nie Mingjue trust me to look after A-Sang" Wuxian said grinning

"I know I know. But remember to take care of The White Hat Hacker soon. I trust you to handle this since Luna still busy with The Untamed Crows" Xingchen sighs

Wuxian nods his head and smile. He can handle The Black Crows, there's no way he cannot handle other stuff. It's easier for him since he is the director but he still need to listen to his older sister cause his sister is the owner of The Black Crows, not him.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2020 ⏰

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