the same as seventeen

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"do you love him?"

"of course, even though,

...seokmin is really an awkward person", joshua chuckled. his eyes screams fondness and the way he said his lover's name radiates utmost love.

"hi, excuse me. can you perhaps show me the way to the principal's office, please? i've been looking for it for i think, a whole hour now, and i'm so tired and i really, really need to go there... " seokmin wasn't really paying attention to what the guy in front of him was saying for he is in awe of his beauty. seokmin felt so lucky to be able to laid his eyes upon the most enchanting creature he can ever dreamed of. he felt the world slowed down and the only thing he can see is the guy in front of him. i must be dreaming. he thank the gods above for forgetting to set his alarm last night and now he is running late for his first class but seokmin couldn't care less. he is shamelessly staring until the guy in front of him spoke, "hello, are you listening? please, i really need to go there." oh yes, and what seokmin said next was he himself didn't expect to come out from his mouth, "i love you". the guy in front of him blinked, once, twice, and said, "...i don't even know you?" silence. "but please, show me the way?" and seokmin did, with his face looking like an extremely fresh tomato.

"we were only 17 that time but i knew, he's the one for me."

"seok! seok! seok! isn't that the guy you like?" his ever so loud friend, mingyu, shouted right into his ear. seokmin swore he'll lose his sense of hearing if he still keep on hanging out with this guy--- wait, oh my god. it's the pretty guy. what? is he going our way? oh my god, oh my god. he's looking at me. oh my god.


seokmin, calm down. deep breaths. don't embarrass yourself again, "you look so beautiful." great.

"...oh. thank you?" seokmin looked up to him with wide eyes, he thought that he'll make fun of him but instead there's a blush that's creeping up his smooth-looking cheeks that he wants to pepper with kisse- okay, stop right there, seok. you're going too fast.

"i just want to thank you for helping me last" the guy is looking like he wanted to ask? or say something that he keeps on gesturing his hand towards seokmin's direction. huh? oh.

"seokmin....? lee seokmin... yes, i am seokmin" can you even act normal in front of your crush? how will you stand a chance if you're like this? wait. what? crush?

"ah. thank you very much for helping me, seokmin. by the way, i am jisoo. hong jisoo. but people call me joshua" the gorgeous boy- joshua- said with a smile and hand reaching for seokmin to shake.

even his name is beautiful, life is so unfair.

seokmin is contemplating if he'll shake the hand because yes, he want to hold his hand a little too much but boy his hands are so sweaty. but well, sweating is natural. so.

he reached for the boy's hand and seokmin can feel his stomach flipping and fireworks started to appear in the background. crush, my ass. the world deemed to stop, everything turned into a blur, and his focus was on joshua, and joshua only. the moment felt like it came straight out of a romantic movie until...

"he's gone, idiot. and fyi, we're late." huh? he looked around and yes, joshua is now walking away from them. he wanted to just cry there because he thought that he blew his last chance to get closer to the guy. but joshua looked back, with a smile and a wave directed to seokmin. and yes, for the second time, he doesn't mind getting late. not even a little. sorry, mingyu.

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