love, jiyeon.

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"So why are you planning to take psychology? You're a licensed architect."

"I just want to understand people more...and i was a patient before."

"A patient?"

"Yes. I am diagnosed with major depressive disorder, ma'am."

"And how is it?"


After the death of hyunjung, jiyeon starts to feel like she's in a shrinking boat. That feeling when you can't get up and call for help. The suffocating feeling in your chest.

She can't take it anymore.

So she did follow hyunjung.

But it seems like hyunjung didn't want jiyeon to follow her.

After many suicide attempts, she gave up.

"I thought you want to be with me forever." She says as if she's talking to hyunjung.

She stopped attending classes a month ago and it was a big loss because jiyeon is a good student. The school was more than willing to wait for her to recover.

She goes through her things and read all of hyunjung's letters again. She does it every night, everyday, and it is very painful to watch.


Dear jiyeon,

I passed by a modern house this morning and it is sooooo fascinating to look at.

I know you can do better though. I love your designs. I love how your mind works. I love your ideas.

And i love you.

Please never give up even if it's hard. I want to see you designing our house. I will always be by your side.

Love, hyunjung.


Dear jiyeon,

I found an orphanage nearby. I want to adopt after marriage. Maybe a girl? We will name her hyunji. It's a cute name, isn't it?

Anyways, i also found a cat and took it home (not in the unit). Named it yangmal.

Remember, I will always root for you. I love you so much.

Love, hyunjung.


While reading hyunjung's letters, jiyeon realized something. She realized that she needs to continue. She needs to fulfill hyunjung's dreams. She needs to be strong.

And so she did.

She took summer class to fulfill every classes she missed. She worked hard until she graduated and passed the architecture licensure exam and until now, she keeps on working hard.

She designed her own house.

She adopted the most precious girl in the world.

And now, she's going to take psychology for hyunjung.

"It was awful ma'am, but now i'm more than fine. I have a four year old kid who never gets tired on cheering me up."

After the interview, she got accepted in the university and she will attend the classes online because of her work.

Jiyeon passed by the ice cream parlor that she and hyunjung went to before the accident. She bought cookies and cream and strawberry for her little princess.

"Architect Kim!" Her kid shouted as soon as she opens the door. "It's eomma for you, hyunji."

Jiyeon adopted hyunji when she was still a baby. Hyunji was abandoned in front of the orphanage's gate.

"I know. I just find it cool. When will we visit eomma's grave?"'s hyunjung's 7th death anniversary.

"Later baby. You take a shower first or else eomma will smell you and she will rise from her grave."


The kid runs to the bathroom while laughing. Jiyeon was about to prepare their lunch when her phone buzzes.

It's a notification. But not just any mere notification. It says that hyunji is now accepted for kindergarten. Jiyeon smiles wide and looks at hyunjung's picture.

"Our kid is intelligent. You must be so proud, because i am too."


Jiyeon writes letters for hyunjung every week and she put it in her grave every year. "Here's the letter for the whole year." She said as she puts down a storage box filled with letters. Hyunjung's grave is inside a small mausoleum so it's okay for jiyeon to put boxes inside without getting the letters wet.

"I got accepted in a university and i will start taking psychology next week. It's your wish right? To pass the board exam. Don't worry, i will work hard. I love you, hyunjung. Until now and forever."

"Oh, i almost forgot. Hyunji got accepted in kindergarten. We'll go to the school later for orientation... i wish you were here, hyun. I wish you saw how hyunji grow up."

Jiyeon looks outside to see hyunji playing with the butterflies. She smiled at the sight. For sure hyunjung is smiling from above too.

Jiyeon and hyunji bid her goodbye to hyunjung and went to hyunji's school. They were about to enter the room assigned for hyunji's section when jiyeon got a call so she tells hyunji to go in first.

"Yes, juyeon?"

"A large project just came up. It's an airport. You want to design or should i find another architect?"

"Yes. I'll design. I'm not too busy anyway. I'll go there after the orientation."

"Kay. Say hi to hyunji for me. Byebye!"


Jiyeon turns around to see her kid crying while running to her. "Eomma! I'm sorry! I took a shower but didn't brush my teeth! Now eomma is haunting me!"

Jiyeon was bewildered. What is her kid talking about?
"Hyunji, baby, eomma will never haunt you." "No! Look!" Hyunji points at someone who's running after her while catching her breath.

"Your kid is a fast runner. The orientation will start in a few minutes. I am Kim Seola, hyunji's teacher." She says and offers her hand for jiyeon to shake.



Dear hyunjung,

Something happened...
Or someone rather.

Kim Seola.

She looks exactly the same as you hyun! I can't believe my eyes! You two got the same lips, the same goofy smile, the smile i fell in love with, the eyes i fell in love with.

What do i do? What do i do hyun? I want to hug her so bad because she looks like you, I want to kiss her, I want to watch the stars and the moon with her, watch movies with her. What if i fell in love? Please give me an answer. Please give me a sign if it's fine.

I'll wait for your answer.

Love, jiyeon.


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