💜14. knowing the truth 💜

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Jimin : yes I am an idol , BTS is not only a mafia group but also a k-pop group

Y/n : ohh , wow that's great

Jimin : yeah , Now I told you my secret , now you tell me how do you know all these medical things , what you did was not just basic first aid , you did the whole treatment

Y/n (nervous) : umm.... Actually I am a doctor

Jimin (shocked) : what ? I mean you what ?

Y/n : actually after I completed my studies , I was practicing in London and there they just offered me this secret agents and mafia things , actually that was not even an offer

Jimin : it was more like an order

Y/n : yeah right

Jimin : same happened with us

Y/n : where I wanted to be and where I reached (shaking her head ) leave it , we have to interrogate Krystal and Jisoo and that shooter also

Jimin : yeah right

They reached their mansion

In a room , Krystal , Jisoo and that shooter were all  tied to metal chairs

Y/n put Masks and cap on Jimin Face and then covered herself

She entered the room with Jimin , made him sit on a chair and then stand there

Y/n : you very well know what we want to ask , I really don't want to try hard way

Krystal : who are you and what will you do ? You are messing with wrong person

Y/n (dangerous calm tone) (glaring Krystal) : I am messing with wrong person but you have already messed with the worst person

Y/n : Bring her

Rose and Lisa bring Jennie (her face covered)  , she was unconscious
Her condition was not looking good

Y/n : do you know what she tried to do ? She tried to disobey us by not answering our questions straightly and now see her condition

Well I don't think you want to be in such a condition

Just answer my questions and I won't do anything to you , you will be saved

Shooter: the girl who was not able to save a single old woman will save us (he started laughing)

Y/n shocked to listen this : who are you ?

Shooter : who I am ? I am your and Jimin worst enemies , You and Jimin ended my family and I will end you and everything which gives you happiness .

Do you really think Y/n that your friend lacy and villi are alive till now

No , I killed them , I was the one who make other trainees bully Jimin , I wanted him to starve to death

Y/n : stop(shouting) (she is trying to control her tears which are on the verge to flow ) : stop (whispering)

Y/n : you don't even know the whole truth and yet you decide to get back on us , you killed lacy and villi , you killed..... ( Choking) killed them

Y/n (coldly) : leave them here tied , if anyone wants to torcher them. They can just make sure they don't die

Everyone : yes boss

Y/n : Jin Hyung take Jimin to his room

Jimin : wait , he never died
He is still alive

Jimin : let's go

Jin took Jimin along with him

Everyone dismissed to their room :

Y/n went to her room and sat there crying

She is remembering the two old ladies who helped her through many thick and thin , those ladies who were like mother and what she did , she got them killed

Tears are continuously falling from her eyes. There is a storm in her heart but her eyes are blank

Same night she went to the room where everyone was locked

She didn't even glanced at the shooter

She started torturing Krystal and Jisoo and they told them all the secret about KJ

Everyone was trying to know what she is feeling right now but her face and her eyes both were blank

Jin : y/n .....

Y/n : Hyung , you guys eat , I am not feeling hungry and yes Give Jimin his medicines also

Jin : But y/n ....

Y/n (cutting him off) : Hyung I want to be alone right now , please

Jin : ok , good night

Y/n : Good Night

Y/n and Jimin both are sitting in their respective rooms lost in their past lives

Tears are flowing from both of their eyes and no one can console them because they are the one who choose this , they choose loneliness

Stay Happy
Stay Healthy

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