Part 14

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Still Y/N's POV
Me: they are dead?
Jimin: Yeah...Dad and Mr.Jeon are well known in our hometown but they never told each other abt their children or child...they both defeated their enemy and that's when they retired being a mafia...they promised each other that the generation would still be passed on...which is me and mr. jeon's son.
Me: it's okay to say his name wasn't his fault...and don't let me get in the way or and rose will take care of each other so don't you worry...Rose and I won't bother you cause you'll lose your focus okay..
Jimin: ok but to worry less I will tell you guys to always update me and have a tracker with you cause I'm gonna be a mafia and their's gonna be more enemies..
Me:sure as long as you stay focus ok..and you know ever since I heard jungkook was a mafia..I felt very scared and frightened cause I thought mafias weren't even a thing...I'm kinda scared of you too tbh...
Jimin: I won't hurt you okay..never in my life..
Me:ok...i love you brother!!! And thank you..also hurry up cause we gotta pack everything!
Jimin: ok!!

Rose, Jimin, and me already finished packing we were on the plane but I really felt like a third ngl...rose morning sickness is already gone but mine isn't so I kept throwing up in a bag but looking at rose and Jimin together made me miss jungkook and when it use to be me and Jimin...but I'm happy for my brother but really just want to be loved not witnessing it...
I started crying silently but I then grab my mask and wipe the tears off my eyes.
Me: E-excuse me, J-jimin and R-osé
My voice crack...shoot..come on y/n..act now..
I said to myself
Jimin: Y/n...are you okay? (Concern)
Me: Yeah! Why? Is something wrong with me?
Rose: were you crying y/n? Cause your eyes look teary
Me: N-no I wasn't's just that I still feel sick so will you please excuse me to go to the bathroom please
Jimin and rose: okay....(they look at you sus)
Me: thanks
I finished throwing up and I hugged my bump

Me: I'm so sorry baby...I'm a little scared to see your dad and kinda Jimin...I remember my dad a little but he had guns and use to be bloody...he looked scary..I'm scared..can we run away together? No y/n you have to protect your child and who will help you if your gonna run away from help? I whispered to myself and my bump.
I went to my seat as I was passing through rose and Jimin cause my seat is at the window and rose in between.
Jimin: are you okay?
Me: Yeah just a little sick that's it..
(Ngl =not gonna lie) ngl I felt scared to Jimin but I remember not to think that and pretend he's not a mafia...
Rose: you look scared..why are you scare?
Me: Nope not scared just okay well can I pass through now? To my seat?
Rose: Jimin could sit in my seat! That way y/n doesn't feel scare..
Me:No no it's okay!! (I felt so scared but I try to not show it)
Jimin: Yeah Y/N I could sit in between you guys!
Me: no. I said I was okay so if you can please move you legs so I can get to my seat please..
Rose and Jimin both moved their legs and looked at me concern and confused.
I slept but felt someone moving was Jimin.
Me:W-what are you D-doing? What's wrong with me?!
Jimin: you fell asleep and our flight is landing so I have to wake you up.
Me: where's ros-oh hi Rose morning!
Rose: good morning..actually y/n what happened to you yesterday?
Me: I don't know? Probably my mood swings I'm so sorry
They both said its okay but really I'm scared
Jimin: y/n I already sent the paper that mom and dad said to give to mr. jeon.
(Ok y/n don't be scared ok..he's your brother and he takes and had taken care of you)
Y/n: does he know about me?
Jimin: yeah but mom and dad just referred us as son and daughter and children so yeah..
Y/n: ok...
To be continued....

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