Tales Unspoken

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            Deciding to get dressed is essential and straightforward; deciding what to wear is hard. Of course, because Sterlo is here, the assortment of clothes I am presented with is nothing like the outfit I had arrived in. They are frilly, expensive, and hot pink. Some have white trims or white sleeves; others have pink skirts or pink tops. Every single one is a dress. They all squeeze the chest and bellow out around the hips and down. They all just about touch the floor as I try them on. I'm not sure why he brought me dresses and all terribly similar dresses, but I trust his judgment, for the most part, and I have no idea where we are going, so... I can't complain. It's not like I own any clothing myself.

No matter how much I dislike the brightness of the rosy color that almost sparkles as I walk, I can't deny how fabulously fashionable they are. I feel gorgeous, and I shine elegantly. I can't help but think that Dijack could never have given me something like this, let alone let me go outside in it. He would probably have laughed until he couldn't breathe, and I can hear Steel's voice chiming in, telling me I look like a pretty, pretty princess and I need to go back to my tower.

I walk out into the hall from my bedroom, having decided on one of the frilly monstrosities, and I must say that I look fabulous. The sleeves are long but laced, letting the cool air of the home chill the entirety of my arms. The sleeves connect to the thick straps of the dress, which are pink, and V-necked until the part of my cleavage was visible. Small frills peek out from the edges and, along with the straps, down to the slightly open back. It shows half of my back, where my spine seems tender and feminine. The white frills and sleeves balance out the absurd amount of pink, along with the milky bow wrapped around my waist, having been tied on the side of my body. My open-toe heels peek out from under my dress.

The door closes behind me as I notice Sterlo chatting up a storm. Zero looks pretty intent on the conversation. "Ahem!" I clear my throat loudly.

A burst of excitement protrudes from Sterlo as he twirls around to acknowledge me. "Oh my! Oh my! Oh my!" his hands are shaking with such speed that I get dizzy watching them. He's hopping on his toes, clenching his teeth as he continues to squeal. "Oh my, how lovely you are! You even put up your hair with the bobby pins I gave you!"

He turns to Zero, giving him a hard slap on the shoulder that makes me wince from the sound of it. Zero hisses at the oblivious man, glaring daggers. "I understand that you are elated beyond belief, but why must you slap me?" He growls. He appears less intimidating now, and I can't quite put my finger on it. Zero sighs his usual sigh and crosses his arms. Through these movements, I feel like I know him well. Zero's sigh has started to become a pretty common occurrence. I think that if I went a day and didn't hear him sigh, it would be a memorable day indeed.

"Ah, come on. Come on! We have things to do and sights to see, and now I have a tagalong that will entertain me, oh how splendid this will be! Just look at her, as pretty as the finest cut diamond!" With his hands clasped, he dazes off into his own little dream world with a pleasant expression on his face. For a moment, I wonder what he's thinking. I quickly brush that thought from my head just as suddenly as it had entered. I don't want to ever know what's inside that head of his. Zero turns to me with a serious demeanor that makes me take a step back in response.

"Let us leave him here..." he groans, pleadingly.

I bark out a laugh; that is the last thing I expected from him. "That's surprising; I could never! This is way too much fun for me!" I let out a snicker as I smile up at him, a devilish curl to the inner corners of my lips.

"Hey, do not gossip about me now!" Sterlo winks playfully. "I have excessive knowledge of how stunning I am, but still, you are very rude, my young little sweet. If you have any compliments, you should be directing them loud and proud at me!" He places his closed fists resolutely on his hips and pouts. I snicker, covering my mouth to restrain myself; I wouldn't want to antagonize a man who has every intention of gobbling me up. "Yes, we were talking about how rambunctious you are..." I chime in, giving a slight, apologetic smile in Sterlo's direction. I catch Zero's stare from the corner of my vision.

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