Chapter 15

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I wanted to run to you—

"What's going on with you and Jimin? Are you guys serious right now? Do you know how scary and traumatizing these fights are for Sannie? He's only fucking four!"

Jeongguk sat down with his head hung low while Taehyung continued to scold him.

"Look, I was just stressed and I—"

"Even if you were, you could've kept it in and maybe talked to him about your difficulties. Stop making excuses! If something is bothering you, please, please tell him! A relationship is based on trust and communication. You can't have one based on sand! I know you're stressed, I'm here to help you but if you push away and scream all the time, I can't help you like this. My whole point is to communicate. He needs you just as much as you need him. Give him some time, now. "

Jeongguk stared at Taehyung in awe, " I know, I know! I just... I don't know how to explain— wow... You know a lot about this stuff, don't you?"

The red-haired hair shrugged his shoulders and gave a wide smile.

"So... When's he coming home...?"

Taehyung immediately understood what the younger meant, and he plastered a sad smile, his mood changing in a second, "He's... He's forgotten about me. If he really loved me, he would have texted or called or at least told me how he was doing. Sometimes, at night, I have these crazy thoughts about something bad happening to him, and I end up not sleeping at all. I wanna see him. I miss him, I miss him so much it hurts me."

Jeongguk could only watch and pat the older's back as he trembled.

"He loves you."


"I'm saying he does love you. Now look who's the crazy one here. He'll come home to you and when he does, you're going to be in for  big surprise! It's already been five years, I know. That does not mean he's not coming. Do you seriously think he doesn't love you? Didn't he say he was going to marry you when he came back? Why would he break his promise? He may be goofy, but he's never the one to break a promise."

Taehyung finally let a tear shed. He brought Jeongguk in a small and meaningful hug. Jeongguk chuckled and pat the red hair's back.

"Thank you, Jeonggukie."

"No worries! I'm glad to help. I should be thanking you, too."

"Nah, it's cool, anytime!"

"Oh, by the way! Hae-won is sort of sad we have to break off our marriage soon because we've been with with other for... almost five years...? We just naturally grew closer."

"She must miss her Aruem a lot!"

"Oh, like crazy! Never stop talking about her."


As the room got silent, they heard someone walk down the stairs. Whipping their head behind, they saw Jimin, who looked a little grumpy.

The silver head walked towards them and plopped himself on Jeongguk's lap. Resting himself on his chest, he hugged him tight. Jeongguk gave Taehyung a confused stare and received one back.

"Where were you... The bed was cold without you."

Jeongguk sighed, "Jimin, Look... I'm sorry I yelled a —"

"I don't care."


"Argh, you're so annoying! I don't care, I forgive you. Now hug me, I'm sleepy."

Jimin smiled widely when he felt Jeongguk circle his arms, one supporting his back while the other rested on his lap. He cradled Jimin.

"I'll be going! Bye!" Taehyung mouthed the words, and Jeongguk nodded.

"Is my Minnie tired...?"


Jeongguk smiled to himself and hugged the petite boy tighter.

"Jeongguk... You love me, right?"

The younger looked at Jimin, taken a back by his question, "Of course I love you! Without a doubt."

Jimin loosened the younger's arms and sat up straight, "You'll never leave us, right?"

Jeongguk's heart sped up and stared at Jimin in shock, "Baby, why would I ever...?"

Jimin shook his head, "I'm just... I feel very insecure now a days and I'm just, I'm so sorry, but I feel like we're drifting apart. Please, do not think I don't care about your work, I care about your work a lot. You're very strong for maintaining a company, and I don't care, but... P-Please–" Jimin's voice cracked at the end as he let out a quiet sob," –Please don't let Jeonsan ask me where his dad is or when he's coming home. I-I can't lie to him anymore."

Jeongguk caressed the older's cheek, using the pad of his thumb to wipe the crystal tears that managed to escape, "Baby, baby... Shh, your chest will hurt. Stop crying, love. I'm here."

Jimin sniffed and tried to control his breathing, focusing on Jeongguk's words.

"Tell me what you want, I'd do anything for you."

"I just want to go out... If we can get a day to ourselves. That will make me happy. That's all I want." Jimin looked up with a smile, "And... maybe tell me, what's bothering you? So I can help you. I want to be a good husband, too!"

Jeongguk nodded, "Of course, baby. When do you wanna go? And I'll remember to talk to you, baby."

Jimin beamed and crashed his plump lips onto Jeongguk's. They shared a sweet kiss.

"Ah, I love the way your eyes glisten and your smile... Your smile lights up my entire world." Jimin whispered.

"So does yours, love."

As the sun set down, the evening colours vanished to a dark shade of blue. Lights that were millions of  miles away were scattered across the navy blue sky. The moon, in its crescent form, shone as bright as it could, illuminating the world with its beautiful self.


A month later

"N-No... I-I'm hallucinating... G-God, No!"

Jimin stepped back, tears falling. The bags in his hand fell on the rocky road. His heart hurt. His chest hurt.

But he stood there, not moving an inch as he watched the love of his life, his husband make out in a car with a woman not too far from him.

But, I was terrified

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