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"No, no, no. I am not going!" I was furious. How could she be engaged to him! She knew I hated him! But what else could you expect. My mother was Nymphadora Tonks and as everybody knew she always did what she wanted. "I can't remember it being a question, you're coming with me!" My mother's hair turned red. Shit. If her hair turned red you knew it was serious. "Fine, but i am not okay with this and i am not talking to him!" "That's fine but if you say anything rude to him I am going to have to tell you're father." Shit.

I ran upstairs and went in my room. I slammed the door behind me. How could she do this to me. I don't need a father I don't need anyone! And the worst part about this is that he already has a son. So not only do I have to live with one man I have to live with two of them. I grabbed my phone and called my best friend and half sister Stella. "Hey girl, what's up." Hearing her voice made me happier. "Can i live with you? please i can't take this anymore!" I started to pack my things. "Mal, we knew this was going to happen. But look at the bright side of this. We're only 1 block away from each other!" "Well you're right about that but he is just so annoying!" "Which one?" "Both of them!" I looked in the mirror and saw that I was still wearing my pajamas. "I have to go, I am leaving in one hour and i look like I just woke up." "Ehm, but you did." "Shut up." I hung up and walked to my bathroom to take a shower.

I looked at my clothes in despair. What am i going to wear! I don't want to look ugly, but I also don't want to look too hot you know. I decided to wear brown, wide piped jeans with a dark brown oversized sweater on top. I looked at my Dark brown, almost black hair and decided to curl it. I have really straight hair thanks to my father. My father is Severus Snape, when I was born my mother and Severus started to fight a lot and when I was 5 they decided to divorce. He is still single but somehow he thought it was a good idea to adopt a child when he was only together with Bellatrix for 3 months. It was quite obvious that they weren't going to last, Bellatrix left him 1 month after they adopted Stella. Stella is the only good thing that i can say about my father. I don't see my father often because I just can't forgive him that he left me and then decided to have another child. Like what was he thinking! I do see Stella often, I don't understand how it is possible for Severus to raise such an amazing girl.

I grabbed my boxes and went downstairs. "Mom, I can't believe this is te last day in our own house." She looked at me with an exciting look in her face. "No me neither. I'm so excited!" Ugh, can somebody please save me. She took some boxes and started to put them in the car. I opened my instagram and saw that I missed a message from Theodore. Theodore Nott was my on and off boyfriend. I mean its not that i like like him but i guess he's fun to hang out with. Oh and also he is very hot so that definitely is something that we can not forget. He asked me if I could hangout today. I decided to call him since I was to lazy to type. " hey babygirl." I almost gagged, I'm sorry but I just really find that nickname cringe. " hey, so I am going to my mothers fiancé's house today. As i told you yesterday. So i wont be able to hangout today." " oh yeah right. I totally forgot. Well that's okay we'll meet up later this week. I'll ask Pansy if she'll be able to hangout today." Ugh i hate pansy and he knows it. But whatever. " yeah sure , bye." I hung up.

"Darling, can you come to the car please." I almost forgot that we borrowed this hideous car from the weasley's. Ron's father has this weird obsession with muggles and he somehow got my mom's interest. So now we have to move in a flying car. Could this day get any worse! I grabbed my stuff and walked to the car. I took one last look at our house and sighed. "Well I guess that's it then. Lets go."

The whole car ride my mom had this annoying grin on her face. Ugh. At least they live nearby so I don't have to switch schools. I go to Hogwarts and I'm sorted into slytherin. Unfortunately I'm in the same class as my new stepbrother. I don't even want to call him that it is just too much. He is a slytherin too and so are almost all of my friends. Although I sometimes talk to Fred or George. But they're family friends so I guess that makes sense. I see my new house coming closer. Well here we go. We park the car and grab the boxes. "Mom, are you sure you don't want to like live separately." She started laughing. "Honey you are going to have to realize that we are getting married in three months. Why would I wanna live separate from my fiancé?" I sighed. "Okay, okay." I rang the doorbell.

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