Chapter 1

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Another day. Another boring day at school. Far from your childhood friends as they were on the country side while you were in the big city. Every weekend you would call them and once a month you would visit them. Tomorrow was when you would visit them.

As class began your e/c turned over to the window and down at the front gates of your high school. There stood two people, a male and female. They seem to be acting strangely but you shrugged it off.

There were people who contained the powers of a devil fruit yet they were seen as monsters. There abilities far beyond those of a human but similar to those that are passed down by clans. You belonged to one of those clans and were the heir to it.

As the guards walked up to them you could never forget what had happened. The guard was being eaten alive as you can hear his screams. Everyone walked over, filming.

Eyes is horror as the two ran towards the building but the worst was that the guard was alive. He was no longer human. He was a zombie.

That day never came with a warning.

No alerts.

No alarms.

Just screams of those being eat by there love ones.


" Damn it."

It's been at least 7 months since the outbreak. The first placed hit was Japan then China until the entire world was affected.

A new world has been formed as groups were made. Those who survived and the military. It seemed the military had already heard of the virus before the outbreak started.

Those e/c stare down at the bite on your arm. You ever one of those who lost there lives during the first wave but your body was turned into a zombie. You were alive and breathing like a human yet your sent changed.

Zombies never turned an eye to you yet turned way once they got a hold of your sent. You smelled like them.

You never were able to get a hold of your childhood friends but you knew they were okay. They were strong but you worry if you'll ever see them.

Putting on your hoodie, yukata with your clan symbols before grabbing your bag and  summoning your spear. Your family were able to summon weapons at will but only the higher branches were able to summon 3 or up to 10 at a time while the normal branches can only summon one or 2.

Once you walked out of your run down apartment you started to dash towards the food market killing any dead walker in the way. Just because they didn't cense you doesn't mean you want them to continue killing.

Running down an alley you waited as the military pass by before continuing your way.

Some how the military found out that you became immune to the virus and were out for you. They have already taken your clan away but they were still dead set on finding you.

Once you made it into the food market you removed the boards before walking inside, un summing your bloody spear.

Walking down the aisle you put your bad in front of you before placing the food inside as you go down the aisles. Once you made it into the back you looked to see some expired meat before packing it to attract the zombies.

Once you had everything you started walking back to the front before heard several footsteps and voices coming towards the store. Ducking over the counter you summoned your spear.

" Finally food!"

" Lower your voice idiot before you attack unwanted attention"

" Let's hurry up before the marines return"

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