Black Beauty.
Snow white.
Blue sky.
Neon bulb.
Lush green.
Silver screen.
Yellow sun.
Brown bun.
Blood red.
Maroon 5.
Beige Scarf.
Orange Orange.
Pink blush.
The Golden Crush.
Bronze medal.
Grey pedal.
Crimson Flame.
Amber Traffic-light.
Air Indigo.
Violet Violets.
Colours fill our lives. Physically, metaphorically, emotionally and visually.
We always attach emotions to certain colours. Attach memories too.
All colours are different. They may have certain similarities, but each one is unique. Just like the people in our life. Every person we know is unique. The relationship that exists with them is also unique, a unique colour. As a relationship gets closer and the more the bond builds, the colour starts becoming one of our favourites.
Life is Eventful. Practically, an event could never have a certain colour. But the type of feeling the event has attached to it, attaches a colour to the event.
The first beach, the first swimming lesson, first horse-ride, first pillow fight, first house, first dog, first painting, first sports jersey, Grandma's knitted sweater, that old blanket, night beneath the stars, the ugly scars, first lost game, favorite hair pin, those comfortable pajamas, first bike, first car, first club, first school bag, that ice cream cart, the school uniform, the hot chocolate, first gadget and the First true Love.
These are events, memories, materials, feelings and most importantly colours.
We need all colours to make a complete colourful picture. Ditto goes to life. To fill in the memories, moments, feelings, events in life, we need a special colour. That special colour is that special person, that special moment, that special feeling. Good or bad, that has no say in this it is irrevocably special. Irrevocable even if we try really hard to forget. But colours cant be forgotten, they can only be let go off. The very act of letting go, doesn't overcome the bad feeling, its pure acceptance.
We accept what we want. "Want", that's how selfish acceptance is. But, colours teach us, acceptance in its pure form, not manipulated acceptance. It teaches us the right. Life will always have ups and downs. The downs that no one will ever want. But has one ever seen a roller-coaster that goes up and never comes down? One has to learn to enjoy the down. No matter how bad it is, no matter how dark the shade. Hope is what feeds patience till the "favourite" splashes onto the canvas making the emptiness go away.
We can always pick a colour pencil we want, and if its not sharpened, if its not the right shade, its not the colour pencils fault. It was the fault of the "want". What we choose is what we accept, then why do we whine over the problems? The colour was unique, even if we didn't pick it up. Accepting the uniqueness is to be learnt even by the wise.
Colours are a visual marvel of the Universe. The visual perception of colour is what gives life the tinge of colour needed.
Open Microsoft Paint like we did when we were 3, and make your masterpiece.
The world is full of colours, make your choice.
Accept every colour.
Paint your life's canvas.