Ships that look like Chips

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Hello, I am Master Fu. /\ I am the admin uwus /\

Why are you here, you ask? Well, I ask the same thing too. 

No, seriously, I have no idea why I'm here.

Admin has recently had an unexpected dream, which foretold a future of this book. A prophecy, of sorts.

This book is my Children's Book, and I will keep track of the wonderful Miraculous' journey here!

/\children = shipping here uwus/\

Now, Admin wants to ask and request a few things of you all, so I will let her take the stage. *retreats*

/\ Hello, I'm Admin! (You may know me as Lex, if not, call me Lex or Admin uwus) So I want you guys to help The Fu-ster on this journey! (saying that he has like 100 unfilled pages of his new book) I have a few things for you guys to do, if you wish:

1) Send asks! For either me, or Fu-ster! 

2) One-shots! I'll do my own ideas too, but if you have ideas and are too lazy to write, send them in! You'll see the form below for them.

3) Do you want my pathetic drawings of nothingness or abstract art describing a character or kwami? Step right up, then! The form to fill out is below.

4) Have an urge to write a story, but want ideas? Then, just ask! (For this, feel free to comment for a prompt, and I'll PM you back ASAP, or PM me instead!)

5) Anything else? Ask! /\


Idea: (one-shot, prompt, drawing/abstract art, ask/request, etc)

Who should I tag: (who should I tag to say I finished it? Like for a one-shot, who should I dedicate it to?)

Ships/Characters: (for abstract art, for example, do you want me to do rose? juleka? myself? my math teacher, Ms. M?)

Notes (optional): (anything specific? feel free not to fill this out, it's optional)

Also, do not feel pressured to even ask or fill out the form the way it is! If you want to ask or volunteer something, then thank you! Kudos for the bravery. I just want what you want me to do, and the notes can have the detailed question or whatever, just feel free to even give the idea and like 3 words explaining! I don't mind uwus.


Thank you for reading, and we'll be posting out random stuff REALLY soon.

{dedicated to @-_Adrien_Agreste_-  for REALLY wanting this for some reason -_- you're welcome, Adrikins, mwah!}

Comments are much appreciated!

-Master Fu {feat. @xLeXiCx xox}

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2020 ⏰

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