Another love~harmione

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Welcome to the first chapter of my newest book. We are gonna keep it light and fluffy for this first piece so I hope you guys enjoy.

Hermione's POV

3 months. It's been three months since I've been dating Ron. I was so sure he was the one but for this last week I can't stop think about Harry. I don't quite know when it started. I just know that I was sitting between him and Ron yesterday during dinner and I couldn't stop staring at him. Ron had made a joke about it and I was extremely embarrassed. I knew that he suspected something was going on. I had to tell him about my new found feelings for my best friend.

I walk down the hallway on my way to lunch to go find Ron. I can't help but thinking how heart broken he's gonna be. How betrayed he's going to feel. I feel a ping in my head as my eyes begin to tear up at the thought of it. But I know it better to tell him now than to wait.

I walk into the great hall and my eyes instantly fall on the fiery red head stuffing his face and my gorgeous best friend sitting next to him. As I begin to walk of to them. Harry turns to look at me. There is a hit of something in his eyes and I can't quite make out what it is. I brush it off as I walk over to the table. I have to deal with Ron before I grill Harry about that.

As I sit between them I can feel a tension in the air. The kind of tension you feel when you walk into a room full of people that were just talking about you.
I look between them and the both look bothered. I brush it off. I'm nervous enough about having to talk to Ron. I want to do this privately but his busy for the rest of the day. I need to get him to leave with me. I lean into him and whisper in his ear.

"Ron I need to speak to you. It's important." He clenched his jaw and contemplated for a second.

"What about?" He finally asked. I sigh. Why now does he choose to be difficult. As I come up with a response he continues.

"Go speak to Harry about it. You too are so close. Practically soul mates."

I wince. Shocked at the harshness in his voice. Harry who has been silent beside me this whole time decides to speak up at this.

"You leave her out of this Ronald. She had nothing to do with this. She didn't even know. Unlike you I'm a real man and decided to speak to you first." Harry shouts. By now the whole hall is looking out way.

"A real man?! A real man, a real friend wouldn't try to steal his mates girlfriend!" The whole great hall let's out a gasp. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Harry likes me too.

I look at him to see that he is already looking at me. There is so much love in his eyes that I feel over whelmed by it. He breaks our eye contact to look at his surroundings for the first time since the argument had started. I look around as well to see everyone look at us. I feel so embarrassed. I look back at Harry and he look at me sadly. I feel tears being to fill my eyes. I get up and run out of the hall and into the corridor.

I run until I find an empty classroom. I go inside and sit against the wall. I can't believe Ronald would act such a way to his best friend. I can't believe Harry feels the same as me. I can't believe the entire school knows it too.

I don't even hear the door open over my sobs. I feel someone sit down next to me. I wipe my eyes and look up to see Harry. He continues to look straight for a moment before meeting my gaze. His eyes soften immediately.

"I'm so sorry Mione. I didn't mean for you to find out like that and I definitely didn't mean for the whole school to find out." Harry says as he tucks my hair behind my ear.

"It's okay Harry I feel the same way for you. And I guess the school would've fou-" I was cut off by Harry's lips on mine. I instantly melt into the kiss. I never imagined Harry's lips to be so soft. His kissing really is more than satisfactory.

We finally pull apart after about five minutes of snogging. We look into each others eyes and smile.

"Hermione will you go out with me?"

"I'd love to. Right after I officially break up with Ron. I really hope things don't get weird between the three of us now." I say nervously.

"We'll be fine. We're like brothers he'll come around until then let him be a git" Harry says and I laugh.  We spend the rest of the day in that classroom laughing and snogging and simply enjoying each other's company.

Ahhhhhhhhh.  I absolutely love this ship and I hope you guys enjoy this as well. I will try to update at least once a week. And as you can see I'm not a professional writer but I hope you guys will company me through my journey of becoming a better one. 🥰

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2020 ⏰

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