Start of Something New

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                  The next day ,I took Andi out to the back yard. It was kind of an open yet empty space. There weren't any houses near by so I knew I was safe. Their parents weren't home so I could transform freely. Little miss annoying wasn't home either. "The reason Sam kicked me out, was because he was afraid that I would allow you to find out our secret." she looked at me confused "What secret?" "I am gonna show you but promise me you won't freak out and run ok?" She nodded in agreement.

            I took a deep breath and I transformed in front of her eyes. She gasped and fell back in shock. She didn't scream, but she was hyperventilating. I walked closer to her moving slowly, trying not to scare her any more than she already was. When I was close enough I sat in front of her. It was a bit weird, considering the fact that I was three times her size. Eventually she stopped breathing hard and moved closer to me with her hand out going to pet me. I just lay there still as ever with her, contented with revealing the truth. "This is the secret huh/ It's a really big one" she said with a little chuckle. I looked up at her. "So. I'm guessing that Sam, Jacob and Embry are the same?" I couldn't answer her so I shifted back. Her eyes widened, as I went back to my human form.

        "It's forbidden for anyone outside of La Push to know this, that's why Sam got mad. He thought I would expose the secret." "Wait.... does that mean vampires exist to?" "Yeah.... Look, you can't tell anyone that could put both my pack or old pack in danger along with your family ok? No one can know not even Anissa" I told her sternly. She agreed once again. I then heard a low growl from behind us. I turned and saw Jacob coming closer to us with his teeth bared. "Who's that?" she asked beginning to get scared out of her mind. "That's Jacob an right now he's upset because I revealed myself to you". He stopped in his path and and transformed back to normal. "Are you freaking crazy!!? You just exposed us all to your little girlfriend!" " So what it's not your problem anymore remember?" "It's still our buisiness this affects us all!!" I felt the anger building up once again. I wanted to finish what we started berfore I left.

         This is the situation which brings us back to this, "Look I know you think she's a threat Jake, but you can't hurt her, and you know that!!" , "I don't have a choice she is a risk that we can't take she isn't suppose to know! We have to protect the pack. That comes first!!". In that moment Jacob transformed and lunged at her, I couldn't let him kill her so I attacked. I lost control and I realized how scared Andi looked . I knew that killing the grandson of the chief would get me thrown out of the pack, but.... all I could think about was protecting Andi. I didn't kill Jacob but I did knock him out and left him in the forest. Not to long after tnat i saw Seth, Liyah, Embry, Sam and Jared aproch in human form. "Paul, whaat did you do?" Sam asked as he and the others rushed over to me. Leah and Jared left to go get Jacob.

     " It wasn't my fault! he tried to attack Andi and I just protected her!" "Really, by almost killing Jacob?!!" "Hey! You hear yourself? Almost. He's still alive isn't he, be thankful." In that moment rain began falling again. Next thing we knew, Anissa was running out the back door towards us. "Hey!" she shouted, "What the Hell is goin on out here? I just got home to see a bunch of strangers in my back yard. Paul does this......" she froze in that moment as she saw two people carrying a wounded Jacob. "W-w-what hap-hapede to him?" "None of your buisinesa." I snaped at her. The I appologised on seeing Andi's face. "Look pretend like you never saw any of this ok?" I said with a fake smile. Then I was nodged in the arm by Andi."Paul, how are we gonna explain this to Billy?" "We? There is no we anymore, you kicked me out of the pack! This is your problem now!"

       Within that moment I turned and looked at Andi and then realized what I did when I looked at her. I imprinted on her, now no one can hurt her. "The pack can't touch her now" I said with a grinn. "Paul you didn't!" Leah said upon realizing what I meant. "Dude did you just imprint on her?" Jared asked me looking schocked. "Yeah I sure did" "Paul? What do they mean imprint?" "It means they can't hurt you now that we are connected  by love. It's our most absolute law".

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