You wake up like any other day, but it's kinda darker outside then usual, but nothing out of the ordinary, it was winter after all.
During the day it just gets darker and darker, and warmer for some reason.
the sky starts turning red, you can hear sirens and screams everywhere, but you don't see anyone, people just fall down on the ground and stops moving, but for some reason you feel like you should stay quiet.
Soon the police comes pointing a gun at you, ''Stay down and don't move''
You say ''What do you mean?''
''You are a threat to humanity, you are the reason all those people are dying''
You move closer to the cops, but they just fall down to the ground, they died like flies.
You look at a car window and get scared of the reflection
You start walking away, people close to you die, the more people that die the bigger the area gets, you will soon kill the entirety of north america, simply by just existing.
The area is now covering the whole world, soon the planet will also die, and it is all your fault.
That was the end of this dream, the patient got paranoid and is currently locked in a psych ward.