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part three
looking looking

After a filling dinner, Madeleine and Nova made their way to the Ravenclaw common room. Madeleine adored the common room, the blue and bronze colours complimented each other nicely and the room felt like a second home to her, the ceiling was painted  to look like the night sky and it was decorated with comfy blue sofas and bookcases, filling the room with the smell of old and new books. The large room was always quite peaceful as it was usually filled with older students studying for their OWLs or first years having quiet conversations or reading books. It always made Madeleine laugh that her and Nova had to meet the twins in the Gryffindor common room because they could be louder there and the twins had never gotten through the doors as they had to answer a riddle to get in.

However, when Madeleine was about to sit down, Nova had grabbed her hand and dragged her upstairs to their dormitory, their dorm was a big square room with two large, mahogany four poster beds on each opposite wall with the most beautiful royal blue bedding she'd ever seen, the curtains being the same colour. The room had a dark wood flooring, almost black, with a fluffy, rectangular, white rug placed in the centre. Each bed had a large trunk at the end filled with their luggage, Madeleine and Nova had two beds next to each other, as they did every year, while the two opposite where occupied by their roommates, Theodora Westward and Gracie Williams, who they shared a small greeting with as they were leaving whilst Madeleine and Nova entered the room.

Madeleine sat down on her bed, noticing that Nova had been excited about something since the train and she could judge that by the fact she was bouncing on the balls of her feet, she had something she desperately wanted to tell Madeleine.

"Go on then, Nova," Madeleine sighed, patting the spot next to her, which Nova gladly took, "Tell me what you've wanted to tell me since we got off the train."

"Hermione was looking at you earlier!" Nova blurted excitedly, bouncing on the bed slightly in her anticipation.

"Big whoop. I was crying into my dad's chest after getting my face sucked by a skeleton in a cloak, it wasn't exactly a normal image." She said, falling back to lie down on the bed. "She was probably thinking I looked like a freak show."

"No! Like looking looking... lovingly." Nova replied, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively.

"Fuck off."

"I will not!" Nova gasped in mock offence, "and when I cuddled you she looked all frowny." She continued, pushing her bottom lip out into a pout and tilting her head to the side slightly.

Madeleine pushed herself up to sit upright again, "You're chatting bollocks." She stated, getting up to look through her trunk to make sure she still had everything, and to distract herself from the rising pink blush that settled on her pale cheeks.

"Fine then, don't believe me." Nova said absentmindedly, moving to sit next to Madeleine in front of her trunk, "But next time you're whining to me about how unfair it is that she's oh so pretty, I'll remember this conversation."

Madeleine could feel her face practically burning up from her statement, the tips of her ears turning red and her entire face felt hot to the touch, causing Nova to laugh at her best friend.

Madeleine sat at breakfast the next day, memorising her new timetable before she could memorise her friend's new timetables so she knew precisely where they'd be at any precise moment, whilst eating her cereal.

The girl looked up slightly to ask Nova a question, her eyes grazing the Gryffindor table before they settled on Hermione, who gave a grin and a wave, gaining the attention of the twins who were sat by her and unfortunately also made them fully aware of the blush that blossomed on Madeleine's cheeks at the girls grin.

Harry looked in the direction Hermione was looking to see Madeleine with a red face and a small smile, looking back over to his friend to gauge her reaction, a big smile in the older girls direction with burning ears, "Oh, I have to go give Madeleine my timetable, come with me, Hermione?"

Hermione got up to go with him to the blue and bronze table confused, the pair making their way to where Nova and Madeleine sat.

Madeleine's eyes widened as she saw Harry and Hermione making their way over, panic settling in whilst her face seemed to turn even hotter. Nova sighed and waved her wand over her absentmindedly whilst taking a bite of her toast, watching out of the corner of her eye as Harry stopped in front of her, Hermione standing behind him slightly.

Madeleine turned to Nova, obviously a little less panicked but still awkward enough to have no clue what to say, Nova, however, just laughed and let the two girls stutter out a conversation with a blush plastered on both of their cheeks.

GIRLS, HERMIONE GRANGERWhere stories live. Discover now