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"So you guys want to watch movie" i say and they nodded leaving uncle mic in the bathroom

"GUYSSS WAIT FOR MEEEE" he say while we are going to the living room


"So what are we going to watch??"
Uncle Mic said i replied "Marvel End game"

"Nice ill get some popcorn be right back" Uncle Allmight said while we got ready

◇after the movie◇

"I cant belive tony stark died" aunt midnight said while the rest sobbing exept for me

(sobbing in the inside)

" Young Y/n I forgot to tell you this but you and Mic will do the Entrance Exam for U.A Tomorrow" Uncle Allmight said , i nodded

"Well y/n we have to go now,bye"
Aunt Midnight said "Okay , Bye" i said waving bye at the

◇the next day◇

I1 woke up and got ready

I1 woke up and got ready

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Your wearing

Your wearing

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Your hair

(Credits for the artist)

I head down to see your uncle made food

"Pancake with cat butter" uncle Aizawa said

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"Pancake with cat butter" uncle Aizawa said

" tasty" you said while eating
"So kiddo" your Uncle called me ..i hummed in response

"You ready" your Uncle Said while you nodded

I was done eating and let the maids clean the dishes

"C'mon we're going to be late" i said to your Uncle

The two of headed to U.A

"Uncle can you go ahead i just need to park the car" i said while your uncle already heading out

I were done parking your car to see a bunch of students in entrance

I got out the car and headed to the entrance ,i bummed into a bushy green hair boy

"I'm sorry i didn't see you" i apologized while helping him up

"N-no its okay" he said "I'm Y/n Kaseki ..... and you are?" I said then asked for his name with a smile

" I'm Izuku Midorya" he said, i looked at the time , and i was shock that I'm almost late

"Well Midorya , I gotta go i see later"
I said then waved bye

I got in

"Where were you??" Uncle Mic said "sorry i bumped to someone" i said we got ready

To be continued

379 words

Sorry for a short chapter i wrote this in the middle of night

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