Happy 17th & 18th Birthday, Sterling & Idina!

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The date was October 23rd, 2020. Sterling Champion [Street Len] was already up and making breakfast for himself and his girlfriend Idina Sage [Idol Rin] (yes, they live together). Sterling heard footsteps coming downstairs. There was Idina, rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

Idol Rin: Hey, Sterling.

Sterling kissed her on the cheek.

Street Len: Good morning. I was kind enough to make breakfast.

Idol Rin: Thanks.

Street Len: We ran out of coffee, though.

Idol Rin: I can live without it, it's okay.

Street Len: I was thinking, Idina...how about we talk to our friends on Zoom after breakfast?

Idol Rin: Sure.

Street Len: Great! You eat, and I'll get the meeting set up.

He left, leaving Idina with her breakfast.

After breakfast and after the school day was over, Sterling and Idina were now on the computer talking with Shiloh Woldernaut [Street Miku], Inez Rehbloker [Idol Miku], and Street Meiko.

Street Meiko: Is it really your birthday today?

Idol Rin: Yeah.

Street Meiko: Wow. And how old are you going to be?

Street Len: I'll be 17, and Idina here will be 18.

Street Miku: Idina, you're even older than Inez!

Idol Rin: Hey, there are some Rins out there that are older than some Mikus.

Street Meiko: Like who?

Idol Rin: Um...like Chelsea Compson [Cheerful Candy]. She's older than her friend Candace Dawning by like 7 years.

Street Miku: That's a big age difference. I'm older than Sterling by 2 years.

Street Meiko: And I'm older than Shiloh by 3 years. I'm turning 22 this year.

Street Len: Isn't it your birthday today, too?

Idol Miku: Oh, happy birthday. I can't believe I'm the youngest in this little group. I'm only 16.

Idol Rin: I look younger than you, Inez.

Idol Miku: That's true.

Street Meiko: So, what are you 2 lovebirds going to do for your birthday?

Idol Rin: Oh, you know, just stay home...maybe watch some TV.

Street Miku: Oh. No cake or anything?

Street Len: Nah.

Street Miku: Alright.

And the group of modules continued to talk until Sterling and Idina had to leave.

That's all I got for this birthday one-shot. Happy birthday, Street Len and Idol Rin. I'll see you guys in the next story!

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