Finally Fixing Sparkle Light

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Soooo, no she is not a starax Child anymore that's one thing but what she is is a changling, she was sent to take love from equestria by chrysalis at the canterlot wedding but when she saw the love and light of canterlot she realised that love can be shared rather than taken. In my 'head cannon' changlings are able to make their own pony forms rather than just taking the form of others, but it wasn't the best way to take love so they didn't use it, but sparkle light did, unfortunately her eyes did not change into pony eyes completely, her entire eye was green, changing are also able to change between each pony types but not alicorns, so Sparkle light choose her form to be a unicorn. She enjoyed singing and the arts of music. Changlings are able to become alicorn in their new forms by an alicorn casting a spell open them, it is very similar to his Twilight became an Alicorn, the spell as a side effect though, it makes the changling become half pony. Sparkle Light gained her wings and title by using her music talent to create musical counter spells and making a book about them, this caught Celestia's attention, celestia gave Sparkle Light a test, without telling her what it was for, the test was to create a music counter spell that was able to a switch ponies minds, it was tested on Luna and celestia and then sang the spell backwards, celestia knew that Sparkle Light was ready to become the princess of music!

And there you have it ^^

I hope you like this and like sparkle light a little more now.

I'll redesign her soon

The first part of this was heavily inspired by sawtooth waves on YouTube

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